Hi! Welcome to my Home!
I'm Melina Layusa Miralles (a.k.a. Mylene or May to
many). It's pronounced as "my", okay? A Filipina by heart, body, mind,
and soul (I've never been so proud!).
It took awhile to have this
page created. I really had to find my way in the dark using HTML, figuring
out what to put here, what will I write about, who's photos to include,
and lastly, I really had to squeeze the hours of construction in my busy
schedule. Whew! after months of hardwork, I finally have my virtual
Well, if not for my two colleagues, Yell and Jonah, who constantly ask for this home's status, I could have given up! (Well, they are the ones who taught me all these stuffs about webpage-making, chatting, be mp3-crazy, and some other computer-related things, be it hardware or software... they are really the best Bad Influence (BI) Friends in the land! hehehe)
Good thing I didn't gave up,though. Now,
you're finally getting to know me and see all the stuffs that I do. (oh-oh do i hear a violent reaction?)
Not to mention all the help
that i got from my cyber friends, Santhosh Abraham (for introducing
to me the midi files and the love of them) and Glenn
Malinao (for helping me with the embedding of music that you're
hearing right now), and for all my friends who visited, thanks so much!!! hey, only us knows that i forced you! hehehe ...
I hope you have a grand time on your visit!
You are
visitor since February 06, 1998.
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write to me okay ?