Hi! My name is Phil
Angert. I'm a computer science (B.S.) / music (B.A.) graduate from
It's hard to believe I've been out in the 'real world' for so long now...
and welcome to my home page
My Friends –- updates
still forthcoming (and yes, there WILL be MORE pics eventually - I've been slow [ok REALLY slow] in getting them and making them available)(2/3/2003)
(my apologies for any missing, incorrect, or just wrong info)
Planned Updates / News -- what I plan on doing with this site in the somewhat distant future (2/3/2003)
Links to Other Places -- places I have found that are of personal interest (4/19/2001)
"The Projects" -- Some of the projects I have written for class and other experiments (9/13/2002)
Unfortunately, my account on the machine where a lot of these were stored seems to no longer exist
Info About Me -- For those of you who, for reasons unknown, want to know more about me (2/3/2003)
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Page last updated: February 3, 2003