We are just your typical middle-aged couple trying to navigate our way on the Information Superhighway. We like to read, learn about new things and are fascinated with how fast the world changes all around us every day.In the blink of an eye, technology changes quite fast and we're having trouble trying not to blink because we might miss something really interesting!
We have lived in Post Falls for just over 8 years and in the house for close to 7. Few things have changed over time with the exception of the fact that after 15 years of being "DINKS" (dual incomes, no kids), we've become "parents" to a 15 year old. Her name is Amber and she is Mac's niece. She came to live with us in June, 2007 and it's been an eye opener for both of us. Mac said he had forgotten how "busy" life is with kids but you can bet, it came back in a "flash" when Amber arrived. Mac is still working full time at the library and continues to "plug away" at his online classes. He has maybe 4 or 5 more before he gets his Bachelors degree. He said he might even attend his own graduation since he never had one in high school! In the meantime,check out some of Mac's favorite links orMac's Links featuring science fact and fiction, military history, and library info, or check out his last student project, How to troubleshoot an inkjetprinter. Last but not least, look at some of his latest designs for a "different" approach to things.
I've been at Hospice of Spokane for just over 8 years. I truly love my work but it has made me painfully aware of the amount of suffering there is in this world. It has also humbled me and deepened my gratitude for the blessings in my own life and in my relationships. Our grandchildren are growing rather fast. We now have a "teenager"! Cristine, our oldest granddaughter turned 14 in March of 2007. If all goes well, she might be coming to Post Falls for a visit in the summer this year (2008). That will make life rather interesting and busy with TWO teenagers in the house at the same time! My hip replacement surgery in 2006 went well and I am now back to a "full" schedule of activity, which includes being able to take Nikki for a walk in the morning before I go to work. She just turned 11 on Christmas Eve, 2007 and we had a "birthday" party for her Christmas Day evening after our traditional family dinner at my brother's home. Both of my kids were here for the holidays and helped us celebrate Nikki's big day! Amber's busy with school, volleyball, and cello lessons in addition to youth group activities. The women's choir from Post Falls High School is going to Seattle in April this year to compete in a festival. Amber also has an opportunity to go with the youth group from church to Puerto Rico in August for 2 weeks. She has been busy shoveling snow this winter to earn some money for these events! Keep checking this site for updates!
We invite you to visit us often as we change and grow, just like all kids!
Here are some of our favorite "spots" on the Web:
Links to other sites on the Web
Disney Movie Club
Scientific American
Inspirational Gifts at Deer Lake Christian Store
Lions Link:United States
Inspiration for Dreamers
Post Falls Library Information
Drop by for a visit, check out our first official "Web link" and let us know you were here!
E-mail us at Unclesamstiredchild@MSN.com
(updated 9January2008))
© 2000 unclesamstiredchild@msn.com