It's ok to be homeless but it's NOT OK to be homepageless. |
Hi Folks, |
Thanks for visiting my page. |
I am Anand R Tiwari, from Columbus, Ohio. I graduated from
Capital University in 2000 with BA in Computer Science.
I created this page in 1998, when I was an undergrad at Capital. Since then, I have
updated this page more than thousands times, every time thinking that it would be for the last time!
Anyway, I am not going bore you with details. Since you are already here, know little about
me, check out the other cool websites I designed, developed, and now maintain.
Hey, don't think that I sit in front of my PC 24/7 working on webpages. I do other stuff too. I like hiking, camping, fishing, mountain biking and rollerblading.
I started golfing last year but have not paid much attention to it. Hopefully one day, I will pick it up seriously.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention soccer. Yeah, I play for
Ohio Bhukampa. Pretty cool, huh?
I work for
Scimus Information Systems, Ltd. based in Columbus, Ohio as a Software Engineer.
You can email me at
Page Updated: 06/30/2003 |