Inu's BookShelf

I happen to be a bit of a book worm. Here are a few books that I like to curl up with....

Animal Books | Historical Fiction | Social Sciences | Martial Arts Books

Animal Books

The Complete Shiba Inu - This is the newest and best book on Shibas that I think I have seen, lots of great info and pictures. *****

Shibas - Another book about Shiba Inus. This is a good book for general dog care, and also has pictures and sections of info on Shibas. ***

When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals - This is a great look at all kinds of animals. I really found it quite interesting - though a bit obsessed with anthropomorphisim. ****

The Hidden Life of Dogs - Mostly a story book about a pack of the authors dogs - but insightful at places. ***

The Intelligence of Dogs - This book has history and even an IQ test you can give your dog in it. ****

Jojofu - A great kid's book about a brave Shiba Inu - with great pictures too. *****

Every Living Thing - This is yet another great book full of veterinary anecdotes from James Herriot, definatly a good laugh at times too. ****

Historical Fiction

The Clan of the Cave Bear - a prehistoric classic and the first of a series by Jean Auel about a girl growing up among clanspeople who adopt her -and learning to survive. *****

My Sister the Moon - first of a series set in the north about girls whose village is destroyed and she must start over. ****

People of the Lightning - Set in what is now Florida this is a story of war between tribes and in families. A bit on the violent side, but intriguing. ***

Random Passage - a fabulous trip into the story of a Newfoundland community. A page turner from many different pionts of view. I really enjoyed this and it's sequel "Waiting for Time". *****

Personality and Self Help Type Books

Understanding the Enneagram - This is a newer book to me, but I actually found that I have a type according to this system. Amazing. ****

Please Understand Me - another personality evaluation system. This one is pretty well known I think, but it has a quizzie and good descriptions of types, a good intro. ***

Inspiration Sandwich - You gotta read it! a great intro to the world of SARK. All about being inspired, creative and adventurous. Quite colourful too. *****

Martial Arts Books

Budo: Teachings of the Founder of Aikido - Writings of O Sensei along with pictures of him demonstrating techniques and a bit of a biography. ****

The Spirit of Aikido - If you agree with it or not, this is a really good look into the philosophy behind aikido - understandable too. ****

More to come.......

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