Inu's Space

Dog Pic
Hi, I'm CyberInu and this is my little place on the web. I'm a 2nd year vet student at Ontario Veterinary College. I love animals and I have an inner child that likes to play, so that is what you will see. I love dogs (especially Shiba Inus) and little furry creatures as well as aikido, hockey and soccer (just4fun) and hanging out with friends from all over the place. I like to be silly too - so you never know what you might find. Have fun, ok ? :)

The picture is of my Shiba Inu, Mutsuhito. I am a big fan of him as well as my chinchilla, Doc, and Jack the fish:)


Go to my Playground! Take a trip to my Zoo Explore my Junkyard Stare at my Bookshelf

Please stop your tour to see my very COOL Award's Pageand to Sign my Guestbook which you can view by Clicking Here, Thanx!
Also you can go here to see the newest photos I have scanned.


earthbullet My Esteemed School - Ontario Veterinary College

earthbullet A page about my martial arts style, Aikido - AikiWeb

earthbullet Newfoundland - the place I wish to call home

earthbullet 2 vet-related sites I maintain for AAHA and OTS

40x100 Spacer GIF Truly Canadian Website Club
Visit my ICQ page NetWord enabled.(NetWord="Inu")



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© 1999 CyberInu

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This page's latest era began August 11th, 1999