Publication list of Dr. Zhi-Gang YANG

in the field of Phase Transformations in Metallic Materials

2 Books

1. H-S Fang, J-J Wang, Z-G Yang, C-M Li, X-Z Bo, Y-K Zheng: Bainite Transformation, Chinese Science Press, Beijing, 1999 (in Chinese)

2. H-S Fang, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng, Z-G Yang : Scanning Tunneling Microscopy in Materials Science, Chinese Science Press, Beijing, Nov. 1993 (in Chinese)

19 English Papers in Journals

1.Z-G Yang, M. Enomoto: A Discrete Lattice Plance Analysis of Coherent FCC/B1 Interfacial Energy
Acta Materialia,submitted, 1999

2. Z-G Yang, J-J Wang, C-M Li, H-S Fang, X-K Zheng: Ledges in Widmanstatten Ferrite Observed by Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
J. of Materials Science Letters, 17(1998)331-333

3.C-M Li, H-S Fang, Z-G Yang, X-Z Bao, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng: Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Ultrafine Structure and Surface Relief of Bainite in a Cu-Zn-Al Alloy
J. of Materials Science Letters, 17(1998)331-333

4.C-M Li, Z-G Yang, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng, H-S Fang: General Existence of Ledges on a1 Plates in Cu-Zn-Al Alloys
Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A:1997; 28A(8):1617-1623

5.Z-G Yang, H-S Fang, J-J Wang, C-M Li, X-Z Bao, Y-K Zheng, Y-Q Huang: Surface Relief Associated with Martensite and Bainite in a Cu-Zn-Al Alloy Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy
Journal of Applied Physics:1996; 79(12):9129-9133

6.Z-G Yang, H-S Fang, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng: STM Study of Surface Relief with Bainite and Martensite Transformation
Journal of Materials Science Letters:1996;15:721-723

7.H-S Fang, J-J Wang, Z-G Yang, C-M Li, Y-K Zheng, C-X Li: Formation of Bainite in Ferrous and Non-ferrous Alloys through Sympathetic Nucleation and Ledgewise Growth Mechanism
Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A:1996; 27A(6):1535-1545

8.Z-G Yang, H-S Fang, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng, C-M Li: STM Study on the Surface Relief and Mechanism of Bainite Transformation
Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 1996; 12: 249-254

9.J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng, Z-G Yang , R-Z Ye: Preparation and Self-scaling Behavior of a 3-layer MCrAlX Composite Coating
Chinese Science Bulletin, 1996 41(4):351-352

10. Z-G Yang, H-S Fang , J-J Wang , C-M Li , Y-K Zheng: Surface Relief Accompanying Martensitic Transition in an Fe-Ni-C Alloy by AFM and Phenomenological Theory of Martensite Crystallography
Physical Review B, 52(11), 1995,7879-7882

11.Z-G Yang, J-J Wang, H-S Fang, X-R Deng: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of Martensite in Steel
J. of Materials Science Letters, 14(1995)955-957

12.Z-G Yang, H-S Fang, J-J Wang , Y-K Zheng: Appication of AFM on Metallography
Materials Letters, 25(1995),209-212

13.H-S Fang, Z-G Yang, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng: STM Study on Surface Relief, Ultra-fine Structure and Transformation Mechanism of Bainite in steels
Journal De Physique IV, 1995; 5(12):C8521-C8526

14.J-J Wang, Z-G Yang, C-M Li , H-S Fang: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of (CrFe)7C3
Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Edition) 1995:Vol.8 No.1 pp19-22

15.J-J Wang, H-S Fang, Z-G Yang, Y-K Zheng: Fine Structure and Formation Mechanism of Bainite in Steels
ISIJ(Iron and Steel Institute of Japan) International Vol.35(1995),No.8,pp992-1000

16.Y-Y Yang, H-S Fang, Y-K Zheng, Z-G Yang, Z-L Jiang: The Failure Models Induced by White Layers during Impact Wear
Wear, 185(1995)17-22

17.J-J Wang, H-S Fang, Z-G Yang, Y-K Zheng: Using of Scanning Tunneling Microscope in Metallograpy
Materials Characterization,1994(33):169-174

18.H-S Fang, J-J Wang, Z-G Yang, C-M Li, X-R Deng, Y-K Zheng: Study of Lower Bainite Structure Using Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Progress in Natural Science(English Edition);1994,4(2):182-187

19.J-J Yan, H-S Fang, J-J Wang, Z-G Yang, X-R Deng: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of Bainite in Steel
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,1994,12(3):1793-1796

13 English Papers in Conferences

1.Z-G Yang, M. Enomoto: Temperature and Orientation Dependence of Austenite/B1 Type Compound Interfacial Energy
Solid-Solid Phase Transformation Conference, PTM'99, May, 23-28, 1999, Kyoto, Japan

2.Z-G Yang, M. Enomoto: Interfacial Energy between Ferrite and Inclusions in Steel
Current Advances in Materials and Process (Report of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 1999, Vol.12(3):527

3.Z-G Yang, M. Enomoto: Interfacial Energy and Equilibrium Shape of B1 type Compound in Austenite
Current Advances in Materials and Process (Report of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) Meeting, Matsuyama, Japan, Sept. 1998, Vol.11(6):1126

4.Z-G Yang, M. Enomoto: Calculation of Austenite/B1 type Compound Coherent Interfacial Energy
Current Advances in Materials and Process (Report of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, April,1998, Vol.11(3):584

5.Z-G Yang, M. Enomoto: Interfacial Energy and Equilibrium Shape of B1 type Compound in Austenite
Current Advances in Materials and Process (Report of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 1998, Vol.11(6):1126

6.H-S Fang, Z-G Yang, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng: Recent Investigation on Bainite and Martensite Transformation Mechanism and Air-Cooled Bainitic Steels
10th Congress of the International federation for heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Brighton, England, 1-5,Spet. 1996.

7.H-S Fang , Z-G Yang, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng, X-Z Bao, C-M Li: AFM and STM Study of Surface Reliefs and Ultra-fine Structures of Martensite and Bainite in a Cu-Zn-Al Alloy
ICOMAT'95,Switzerland, Aug. 1995

8.H-S Fang, J-J Wang, Z-G Yang, D-X Hu, Y-K Zheng: Sympathetic Nucleation Ledgewise Growth Mechanism of Bainite in Steels
Proceedings of HSLA Steels'95, Beijing, China, Oct. 1995:530-535, China Science & Technology Press

9.D-X Hu, Y-Y Yan, J-J Wang, C-M Li, Z-G Yang, H-S Fang: The Spalling Resistance of Bainitic Steel Grinding Ball
Proceedings of International Conference on Failure Analysis and Prevention (ICFAP'95), Beijing, China, June 23-26 1995,pp681-683

10.H-S Fang, Z-G Yang, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng: Investigation of Bainite Formation Mechanism with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
LCS'94 Tokyo, Japan, ISIJ,43-46,1994

11.H-S Fang, J-J Wang, Y-K Zheng, C-M Li, Z-G Yang: Study of the Transformation Mechanism of Bainite in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Alloys
Heat & Surface'94, France, Oct. 1994

12.Z-G Yang, J-L Jiang, H-S Fang: The Simulation of Air Cooling Curves of Bainitic Grinding Balls by a Numerical Method and Its Application on Hardness Evaluation
Proceedings of the (APCS-91),Beijing, China, 1991:191-196

13.J-J Yan, J-J Wang, Z-G Yang, X-R Deng, H-S Fang: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of Bainite in Steel
International Conference on STM,Aug.9-13,1993, Beijing, China:167

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