Unit Conversion:

1dyne=10-5 N; 1dyne/cm= 1 mN/m

1 kgf= 9.80665 N; 1kgf/cm2= 0.0980665 MPa (N/mm2)

1kgf.cm/cm=9.80665 J/m

1 J(joules)=1 N.m=0.239 cal=107 erg=6.242*1018 ev

Heat transfer: kcal/m.h.centigrade = 1.16279 W/m.centigrade

volume resistance: .cm=0.01.m

electricity isolated: kV/mm= MV/m

light speed: C= 2.998*108 m/s

Na (Avogadro) = 6.023*1023 /mol

h(Planck)=6.626*10-34 J.sec =6.626*10-27 erg.sec

h/2π= 1.055*10-34 J.sec

R(gas)= 8.314 J/K.mol=8.314*107 erg/K.mol=1.987 cal/K.mol=0.08205 liter.atom/K.mol

k=1.38*10-23 J/K=1.38*10-16 erg/K=8.618*10-5 ev/K

G(gravitational)=6.67*10-11 N.m2/kg-2=6.67*10-8 dyne.cm2.g2

F(Frardy)=9.649*104 C/mol= 9.649*103 cm1/2g1/2/mol

1 Coul=1A.sec

1 Tesla = 1Wb/m2=V.S/m2

1 Pa=1 N/m2=10 dyne/cm2=9.872*10-6 atm=7.5*10-3 torr

1 torr = 1.333 *102 N/m2

1 bar=105 N/m2

1 atmosphere pressure = 1.01*105 N/m2

1 BTU= 1.05*103 J

1 mm Hg = 1.333*103 N/m2

1 ev (electron volt)= 1.602*10-19 J=1.602*10-12 erg

1 ev/atom =9.98*104 J/mol

1 ev/Å3= 1.602*1011 J/m3 = 1.602*105 MPa

1 e (elementary charge) = 1.602*10-19 e =1.602*10-20 cm1/2g1/2= 4.802*10-10 cm3/2g1/2/s
1 N=1kgm/s2 e2=23.059204*10-29J.m

1 cal =4.18 J

1 erg/cm2= 1mJ/m2=1mN/m

1 erg = 10-7 J

Fe: E=2.0*1011 Pa

Fe: Vmol= 7.1*10-6 m3/mol


N-W (110)alpha//(111)VC; [001]alpha//[1-10]VC (Nishiyama1933-Wasserman1934)

B-N: (001)alpha//(001)VC; [110]alpha//[100]VC (Baker-Nutting)

K-S: (110)alpha//(111)gamma ; [-111]alpha//[1-10]gamma (Kurdjumov-Sachs 1930)

Burgers: (1-10)beta//(0001)alpha; [111]//[11-20]alpha

P-S:(1-10)beta//(0001)alpha; [001]beta//[1-210]alpha (Pitsch-Schrader 1958)

Potter: (01-1)beta//(1-101)alpha; [111]beta//[11-20]alpha (D. J. Potter 1973)

Useful words to write paper:

efficacy in inducing the nucleation of bainite

The " control" in this case

under the auspices of

more pronounced

be tabulated

in this context

is inherently difficult


there is mounting evidence

is used for the usual reasons of reasonableness combined with simplicity

Differentiating equation (1) with respect to x

The hcp structure consists of two interleaved simple hexagonal sublattice C and D.

orthorhombic, tetrahedron(4), octahedron(8), dodecahedron(12), icosahedron(20)

rhombohedron(), polyhedron. Vertex - vertices, trapezoid, cuboid

CSL --- conincident site lattice. DSL ---

Tesor (matrix), ledge merge,

the analogy is not exact

in such case becomes enormously more complicated

where the subscript does not matter, it is left out-omitted

axiom, Theorem

it is closely (tied) to, solid circles - hollow circles

plot is "bumpy". Appreciably,

It would be instructive to undertake instead the much more manageable problem of investigation the..

approximate is justified when

no mathematical justification for selection of ..

even if somewhat arbitrarily,

portion- part

this effect disfovors Fe3C when this has an fcc sublattice

... stemming from... (originating) ...

The bonding penalty(loss) due to the reduced number of Fe-Fe neighbors

TiC, with the sodium chloride crystal structure (NaCl)

The fundamentals of the TB-SMA tight binding, second moment approximation are recalled

recursion method

nodular cementite - spheroidal cementite

There is considerable circumstantial evidence that ...(indirect)

The propensity (tendency) to..

We are reasonably confident in drawing the following inferences from the model:

As a general rule, without loss in generality.

From thermodynamics, we know that...

miscibility gap - (MG)

convergence can not be attained.


strictly speaking, however,

but the complexity of ... precluded a complete analysis,

in retrospect,

they are extensive and therefore rather costly,

Contrary to ... method,

calculated in this fashion,


must be viewed with some reserve through...

As far as the authors are aware, ours is ...

The calculation is subject to the following constraints

The latter advantage is three fold...

in this preliminary study...

were supplied through the courtesy of ... (kindness)

most measurement of relative are based on boundary geometry effects.

By postulating,

vycor capsules

renders ... dislocation invisible

...up quenched...

of the correct order of magnitude

To rectify the errors arising from the uncertainties in the value of

by means of shear transport of Ti atoms at rates paced by carbon diffusion.

Consideration of ... will be foregone (given up).

Literature on the topics is still relatively sparse.

A problem of exceptional difficulty

finding an adequate solution to it has now become both important and urgent.

Though much less certainly.

in sharp contrast to the situation at

experimental data for solid surface energies are subject to large uncertainty.

These earlier models have been discredited by... (criticized)

the use of only an exponential form for the overlap repulsion is an inadequate representation.