Top 10 1980's Songs

Please Note that the songs that are marked with an * are songs that have been re-made during the 1990's.

For More information on those Re-Makes look at the bottom of this page. To see the lyrics of the song and a pic of the artist, click on the song title :)

Number 10 Wanna be startin' somethin' by Micheal Jackson

* Number 9 Sweet Dreams by The Eurythmics

Number 8 Turn Me Loose by Loverboy

Number 7 Thriller by Micheal Jackson

Number 6 Hello Again by The Cars

* Number 5 When Doves Cry by Prince & the Revolution

Number 4 Just Like You by FM

* Number 3 Cars by Gary Numan

Number 2 Billie Jean by Micheal Jackson

* Number 1 Rock the Casbah by The Clash

* Rock the Casbah by the Clash was re-made into Will2K by Will Smith
* Cars by Gary Numan was re-made into Cars by Fear Factory
* Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics was remade into Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson