HI !!! My name is Ehdin Ibro Piralic, here i am going to explain how to add sound to your page.Also i am giving you some movie midi files which you can find at the end of the page.
Got any comments pl. email me.
Thank you....
Enjoy your stay...
Here we go!!!Let's dance .
This is the script for adding the sound to your page.This way is one of the bests, it goes accross the browsers.
<<embed src="yourdir/yourfile.MID" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" WIDTH="144" HEIGHT="74"><noembed><BGSOUND SRC="yourdir/yourfile..MID" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite WIDTH=144 HEIGHT=74></noembed>
This is the script for adding the sound to your page, implemented through ActiveX Control.The way i did on my page. I guess you could do the same.Samples are bellow.I like it this way, kind a cool.
<<object id="MIDI" classid="clsid:05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A" width="214"height="24"><param name="SRC" value="midifiles/Bond-007.mid"></object>This was James Bond which you can find litle bit down.
Some webdesigners do it this way, this works only with Internet Explorer.Pl. note that tag for a sound is just before closing tag.</head>
<bgsound src="yourdir/nameofthefile.mid" loop="-1"></head>
If you are running Internet Explorer 3 or above but cannot listen a music here, then it is because you do not have ActiveMovie installed. This is normally installed as part of Internet Explorer. Here they are !!! Here i am just giving you possibilities, how it can be implemented on a web page !!!
James Bond |
Batman |
Back to the future |
My favorite one - Pretty Woman-
I here got some movie music, i hope
you will like it. Use what ever you like from here.Click on any file bellow,
for download. I got also a huge collection, collecting them since 1996.I
Got any comments / or anything else as always pl. email me.
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