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<applet> </applet>
Java Applet - allows you to insert a Java applet directly into your page. It includes:
  • code="java.class"
  • codebase="/dir/to/applet"
  • height="n"
  • width="n"
  • <script> </script>
    Javascript - allows a JavaScript applet to load within the page. This tag usually appears after the </title> and before the </head> tag. It usually looks like this:
    <script language="JavaScript">
    Script goes here.
    <!-- text -->
    Allows text to appear invisible on the page. This is used if you would like to save comments on the page, but not have them load on the page. Like:
    <!-- This section is for beginners -->
    <!--# -->
    <marquee> </marquee>
    Marquee - an IE only tag, so only IE users will see it. It allows scrolling text in the browser. Includes:
  • behavior=slide/alternative
  • width=pixels/percentage
  • hspace=n
  • vspave=n
  • loop=n/-1/infinite
  • bgcolor=#rgbcode
  • scrollamount=n
  • scrolldelay=n

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