Welcome to the Spring 1999 course in "Adventures in Science", Global Change. In this course, we will be looking at many ways that our planet is changing, including short term changes and those which take thousands --- even millions! --- of years to occur. We'll be looking at chemical and geological effects and changes; the importance of the roles of the atmosphere and oceans in our every day lives; and what we can and can't do to affect these changes.

You can get an idea of what we'll be doing by looking at this semester's Syllabus. If you want to see what all went on in this course last year, click here.

Policies and procedures for this course can be found by clicking here.

We'll be adding lecture notes, study questions and other information here as the term progresses. There's lots to do in this course, and we hope you will have a lot of fun along the way to learning a great deal about how this old Earth operates.


Click on the topic you wish to see!

Class Syllabus Outline of the course
Policies and Procedures Rules for the course; requirements as lab and field trip attendance; grading criteria
Who's Who in the Class Pictures of class members for the ENV 102 Spring 1999 course
Complete as of Jan. 20th
Please be patient while these pages are loading; GRAPHIC INTENSIVE!
Lectures -- Week # 1 An Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry:
Dr. Diane Bunce, Dept. of Chemistry
Lectures -- Week # 2 An Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry -- Continued:
Dr. Diane Bunce, Dept. of Chemistry
Lectures -- Week # 3 An Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry -- Continued:
Dr. Diane Bunce, Dept. of Chemistry
Lectures -- Week # 4 An Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry -- Continued:
Dr. Diane Bunce, Dept. of Chemistry
Lectures -- Week # 5 February 8 and 12, 1999 -- An Introduction to Meteorology
Mr. Mike Mogil, Weatherworks
Lectures -- Week # 6 February 15, 1999 -- Energy Processes;
February 19, 1999 -- The Earth/Sun Relationship:
Mr. Jim O'Connor, Geologist, District of Columbia
Please note the Internet sites included in Mr. O'Connor's lectures --- THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT!
Lectures -- Week # 7 February 22, 1999 -- Effects of Altitude and Latitude; Transformation of Energy; Remote Sensing Imaging: Mr. Mogil
February 26, 1999 --- Fossil Fuels: Mr. O'Connor
Please note the Internet sites included in Mr. O'Connor's lectures --- THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT!
Lectures -- Week # 8 March 7, 1999 --Weather and Air Pollution: Mr. Mogil;
March 12, 1999 --- Vulcanism: Mr. O'Connor
Please note the Internet sites included in Mr. O'Connor's lectures --- THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT!
Week #9: Study Questions
for Exam #2
March 15: Review session for Exam #2: Mr. Mogil
March 20: Traffic statistics from field trip
Field Trip to Washington DC:
A brief report from the field trip the class made on March 20, 1999, observing weather phenomena and results of weathering, among other things!
Lecture -- Week # 10 March 26, 1999 -- Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift: Mrs. Wende
If you were not in class this day, BE SURE to get a copy of the handout from Carolee --- an included map is VERY IMPORTANT!
Lecture -- Week # 11 March 29, 1999 -- Effects of Continent Displacement on Oceans, Weather and Climate: Mr. Mogil
Laboratory #9 from April 7, 1999:
Oceanography and Coastlines
(Pictures may or may not be in order within each table)
Each page has 5-6 pictures on it;
all VERY graphic intensive; may be slow in downloading;
be patient!
First Session, Table 1

First Session, Table 2

First Session, Table 3

Second Session, Table 1

Second Session, Table 2

Second Session, Table 3
Course Project
for ENV 102,
Spring 1999
Click here to read about the project for this course.
It will be continued in the Fall 1999 course, ECOSYSTEMS.
Satellite Images
for Lab# 7
Satellite weather images needed to complete
this laboratory session.
There are three pages to this, with FOUR images per page.
Pictures from
the March 17 lab
Dr. Howard's pictures from the
lab session spent in the eco-habitat---Check them out! ;-)
There are 3 pages here, all VERY graphic intensive; may be slow in downloading;
be patient!

Handy e-mail Addresses for this Course:

Michele Bird --- mbird@hotmail.com

Dr. Barbara Howard --- howardb@cua.edu

Mike Mogil --- hmmogil@weatherworks.com

Jim O'Connor --- joconnor@mail.environ.state.dc.us

Carolee Wende --- cmwende@compuserve.com

John White --- whitea@cua.edu

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