Last updated 4 / 2/ 1999


nicholas.jpg (59257 bytes)My name is Nicholas Grapsas. I am a Cardiologist, 33 years old, and I work in Patra's General Hospital .




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"St' Andrew" General Hospital of Patra

Patra is a beautiful city of two hundred thousand inhabitants at the west coast of Greece, north of Peloponissos . It is the main port of Greece to Italy. The hospital is situated in the suburbs of the city and has a capacity of 250 beds.

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A beautiful view of Patra

Our cardiological department has 25 beds and also a coronary care unit with 5 beds

In this page, which is applied mainly to cardiologists or sonografers, one can see very interesting incidents -cases from my experience in our cardiological department. I would like you to share with me your opinion so please do not hesitate to write back to the following e-mail address :

mailme.gif (26615 bytes)


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