Yes it is here again it is the eigth annual Lake Party. It might have changed a little this year with the new rules and all but they haven't shut us down yet. This year it will be a little smaller then usual but that isn't going to slow us down as long as the same basic crew is there. The plans for this year are as followes. We are heading out there around noon on Friday June 26 for some skiing, toobing, and a little chilling. Then if the mood is right and everyone is game we will stay the night and let what ever happens from there happen. There might not be as many people but I am sure we will still have a great time.
From your party organizer and the Undesputed King of Roxanne,
The Lake Party was a little bit smaller then the past but we got a lot of skiing and some intense toobing done. The real thrill of the weekend though came the night after at Graff's house. He had one hell of a Keg/Pool party that night and man did I have fun. Well thanks again for all of you that came out to the lake and also thanks to Graff who threw one hell of a bash the next night.