Plans for camping party

Due to the unfair vote on the use of the lake by my older cousins we are no longer able to have the lake party the way we used to. I know that this is the end of a seven year tradition but some of my cousins cant rememer what it was like to have a good time and enjoy your youth. But enough about them lets talk about the new plan. I have now resereved a camp site at Mohican Reservation where we are alowed to drink and get as crazy as we can. We will be leaving by bus June 13 at 10:00am so don't be late. We will get wild and crazy and I will let my cousins know that even if they take away the lake they can't keep us from haveing a good tim.

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The camping trip went great. I think that everyone had a good time and I hope that we will be able to do it again. I will post some pictures as soon as I get them developed.

Thanks Again,


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