Weekend In New York
This will be our first family vacation in seven years. We are planning to go to New York for the weekend and we have all kinds of activities planned. We are staying at the Waldorfe and I can't wait. It will be my first time in New York. We are going to a broadway show (Ragtime) and doing all the other touristy type stuff. I will also be meeting up with my friend Tom and hitting all the bars that I can.
The trip was great. We went and saw Ragtime on friday night and it was realy good. We ate at all kinds of restraunts which all had pictures of diferent stars that had been there on there walls. We also went shopping everywhere you could think of. We saw the statue of liberty and ellis island. We also had dinner in a little restaurant in Little Italy and got to see a street festival while we were there. We took the subway almost eveywere. I never mad it out to any bars but I still had a great time. Thanks mom and dad for taking us and thanks also to Aunt Caral and Uncle Dick for showing us around. I had a GREAT time.
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