Beginning in Chicago in 1994, I have taken the opportunity to learn more about my community and the amazing individuals within the Bengali Community. The North American Bengali Conference has been an excellent opportunity for me to meet other Bengalis throughout not only the United States, but also Canada and Mexico (although I haven't really met any one from Mexico yet). I have attended the conference in Chicago (94), New York (95), Houston (96), and this year's conference in Toronto. Here are some pictures from those conferences:

In the Summer of 1995, I made the trip to the Big Apple for the North American Bengali Conference (a.k.a) the Love Connection for Bengali Youth (just kidding!) My aunt Bulu, who is studying at M.I.T., along with Pat, Joy, Partho, and myself are on the steps of the main hall in White Plains, NY. Pat is at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, following in the great footsteps of his dada, Partho, who is currently studying for his Masters at Loyola University in Chicago. Joy is on her way to becoming the best teacher there ever will be! She has verbally committed to KU, although she has some time before the final decision time!

This is a pic of of Durbadidi, Probal (dhak nam= Shintu), and I in New York. Both are two Bengali superstars!

On what was probably the highlight of the trip, we all decided to go to the city and explore. Partho, Pat, Sumit, Myself, and Mr. Ghosh are eating Ribs at T.G.I.Friday's in downtown NYC. The trip was cool, but it was not as much fun as Toronto this summer!
Here is a pic of our group chillin at the Outback!

Here is a pic of Anupam, Joy, Mahuya (Mo), Abhijit (Abhi), and I at Pat & Mario's in our hotel.

"These are my two didis, Durba and Parna. They are both helping me find "the one"...but they aren't doing a very good job" Sorry, I had too :)

This is a pic of Debarati and Tuhina, two good friends from the Deepak Cornell Connection. There are more pics of these two in my Trips page!