Welcome to Aroop's Homepage!!

2005 UPDATE!!! Julie and I have now been married for 2 1/2 yrs. We have a daughter Ava Anjali, who is 7 months old. I will completing my Internal Medicine residency at the Mayo Clinic Scottsdale in July and then will be beginning my career as a hospitalist at the University of Kansas Medical Center!

Click below for pictures from 2005.


What follows is my old homepage from a few years back...

That was then...

This is now

Hi! My name is Aroop Pal and I am from Lawrence, KS. Welcome to my homepage, a little window into my world. Who am I? Who are my family and friends? What have I done? What do I do? What lies in the future? All these questions and more will be answered on this wonderful page! I will be adding much more to this page, but until then, enjoy what little I have done with my page!

Here are a few pictures of the love of my life-Julie******.


My Roots: My Indian Family

Here is a picture of most of the Buds on our Mission to Madison to visit Ben and Luke! From left to right are Bennie, Flash, Collins, the Dude and me. If you'd like to know more about my Lawrence family, please click below!

My Lawrence Family

Before coming to Lawrence, I lived in Bolingbrook, IL, where the young Aroop has his roots. The BAGC (Bengali Association of Greater Chicago) played a huge role in my life as a young child. I have kept in touch with my great friends back in the Land of Lincoln! Click here if you'd like to see some pictures of my Illini friends and the good times we have shared!

My Chicago Family

In addition, the North American Bengali Conference has been a recent way to not only keep in touch with my good friends from back home, but to also make new friends! Click here if you'd like to see some pictures from the NABC conferences!

My NABC Friends

This is my good friend Charlie Green and I with the greatest college coach in the nation. All hail Roy, God of Lawrence, Kansas!

Roy is a popular guy! Here are some of my friends and I with Coach at the Rock Chalk Ball. Members of Lambda Sigma, Owl Society and the Student Alumni Association volunteered at this fund-raising event which raised over $120,000 for KU! In my days atop Mount Oread, I was an active student and made some really great friends! Click here if to see some of my friends from KU!

My KU Family

One thing that I strongly believe in is the importance of the Office of New Student Orientation at the University of Kansas! I am blessed as...I have been served as an OA three times! Yep, three...and although most people think I am crazy, I can't explain how much it has meant to me! Meet my Orientation family by clicking below!

My Orientation Family

One of the things I have been fortunate to do is to travel...whether I become a doctor or a janitor, I want to travel! Click here if you'd like to see some pics from my trips!

Trip Pics

There have been many people who have played a significant role in my life. One experience that has opened my eyes to the world and to the value of meeting new people was the National Young Leaders Conference (Summer 1993 in Washington, D.C. For 11 days, a group of us became a family (a.k.a. "The Kennel"). Click here to see a few pictures of them!

The Kennel

I'd Love To Hear From You, So Please E-Mail Me!


You all come back now, you here!