Hi, what's up? I'm Sherri.
Welcome to my page and my life, so to speak!
I'm still learning how all this works, but I think it's coming along fairly well...oh yes, and please sign the guestbook so I'll know you've been here.
About my years @ Tech
Today, 4/29/01, I am going to begin to add a new section to my page. You will have to be patient w/ me, as I am still very busy w/ school for the next week. This new section will include the many many education lessons and activities I have been preparing for the past 5 months Even if you're not interested in education, check 'em out anyway, some of them are pretty cool.
Any and all comments are welcome so e-mail me at reverb828@hotmail.com.
Check back regularly as there are always changes in progress.
There have been visitors to my page since May 25, 1998.
Page Last Updated: April 29, 2001.