Hi, what's up? I'm Sherri.

Welcome to my page and my life, so to speak!

I'm still learning how all this works, but I think it's coming along fairly well...oh yes, and please sign the guestbook so I'll know you've been here.

I bet you want to know something about me...you know I'm right. You've seen my pix so now here's my profile...

About my years @ Tech

Today, 4/29/01, I am going to begin to add a new section to my page. You will have to be patient w/ me, as I am still very busy w/ school for the next week. This new section will include the many many education lessons and activities I have been preparing for the past 5 months Even if you're not interested in education, check 'em out anyway, some of them are pretty cool.

Education Stuff

This page is always under construction these days so if something is broken, don't worry, I'm sure I'll fix it someday if someone gives me heads up.

New to my page:

Just Updated!

Visit my school at

Any and all comments are welcome so e-mail me at reverb828@hotmail.com.
Check back regularly as there are always changes in progress.

There have been Counter visitors to my page since May 25, 1998.

Page Last Updated: April 29, 2001.

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