Welcome and Greetings to Flex's Web Page!

I am glad that you have decided to take time out of your busy schedule to view my web site.  I hope that you will look at some of the other pages on this site and give me some feedback as to what you think about it.

This site can only be one of many that is still undergoing Construction and I hope to keep this site under construction for some time.  I will try to go through and update most of my pages at least once every two weeks.  Better to add and make it better than let is sit without trying to keep information up to date.  As a warning to those who do not like framed pages, some of my pages are framed.  Not all but a few.  The framed pages to this point are the Single's Park page for adults in the Single's Class at the Pleasant Valley Church of Christ and the Guestbook page.  If you would prefer to view this site using frames, click here.

You can go to the Site Map for a listing of all the pages on my site.  Just a few of the items mentioned are my immediate plans for after college, after medical school, as well as some biographical items that may interest a few of you.  You can also search for information on this site by going to the search page.

I have begun the tedious process of updating some more of my science related pages.  This work is focusing on web page development for the research group that I am working with as well as some interesting items that I have found.

Feel free to email me about any comments if you don't feel like filling out my feedback form.

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This Page was Last Updated 09/17/01
URL: http://www.geocities.com/lexflex5235/index.html
Webmaster: Lex "Flex" Mitchell