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© 1999 5 Utarid |
- Tentative Date - English Interclass Drama Competition
Having prepared for half a year, the class will finally have a chance to present our full-length
theatrical production entitled 'The Gods Must Be Crazy' during the upcoming English Interclass Drama Competition.
Albeit a somewhat unoriginal title, we assure you of the authenticity of the script (written by Alexandria Leow Huei Li,
Ria Sulinda, Eunice Chan, Rastam Hadi, directed by Gopi Sankar). Currently, we have not put up a copy of our script as
we would like the storyline to remain confidential. However, we promise to post a copy after the performance. For now,
cross your fingers and hope that we win!!!
 - 31 August 1998 - Merdeka Day
Happy Merdeka Day!!!
- 11-21 September 1998 - Commonwealth Games
In conjunction with the 16th Commonwealth Games which are being held in Kuala Lumpur this year, we've been given a 3-week long holiday from 4-23 September!
- 19 October 1998 - Deepavali
Happy Deepavali to all our Hindu friends!!!
- 20-30 October 1998 - End-of-Year Examinations
Phew, after 2 gruelling weeks the exams are finally over. There were over 10 subjects with approximately 2 papers each!!! How did you fare?
- 20 November 1998 - 3 January 1999 - End-of-Year Holidays
After a whole year of slaving laboriously over tonnes of schoolwork, the holidays have finally arrived! Happy lepakking people!
  - 25 December 1998 - Christmas
Merry Christmas to all our Christian friends!!!
- 1 January 1999 - New Year's Day
Happy New Year!!!
19-20 January 1999 - Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Selamat Hari Raya to all our Muslim friends!!!