Test Examples most

Macro demos

lcd asm x86

memory tab

<p><img src="diskette.gif" width="35" height="36"> <a href="pic8259.zip"> Pic8259 </a></p>

External Exam's Material

HEXBCD 16bit 23.12.2005

HEXBCD 16bit(div 10) 25.12.2005

BCDHEX 16bit 23.12.2005

OCTBCD string_bit 24.12.2005

BCDOCT string_bit 24.12.2005

Test mahat 2005 no-4 30.12.2005

Test mahat 2004 no-3 15/1/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 no-2 19/1/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 no-3 26/1/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 no-4 26/1/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 no-6 26/1/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 avev no-2 30/1/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 avev no-3 1/2/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 avev no-4 1/2/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 avev no-5 2/2/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 avev no-6 2/2/2006 new

Test mahat 2003 avev no-10 3/2/2006 new

assembler software

assembler book

ascii tab

div program

div_32bit 29.4.99

div_shift 9.12.1999

sorting program

add program

multi-add program asm 1.4.1999

multi-add program asm 13.4.2000 NEW

multi-sub program asm 13.5.2000 NEW


Semester tests 1997-1998




Test Mat 2003 Avev

<p><img src="diskette.gif" width="35" height="36"> <a href="sim.zip"> Simulator Micro controller's 8051 </a></p> <title>Menahem's home page <p><img src="diskette.gif" width="35" height="36"> <a href="test_all.zip">test all assembler + micro 1999-1997</a></p>

Loudspeaker (8254/port 61h) - 9.4.99

The 8251 Network Controller

List of Micro tests

Scope programming demo

BIOS clock and DOS clock demos

Timer programming demo (8254)

TSR programming for DOS

Network transmitter program

Network receiver program

SuperVGA 256-Colors BGI Drivers for DOS Applications

BGI Fonts & Utilities

CGI demo program using Visual C++

GDI Graphics for Visual Basic 5


File Manager