
Patti (Frazier) Peyton
HEHS Class of 1964
Started working at C&P Telephone Co. Sept. 1964 and retired Aug. 1995 with over 31 years service
Married Butch Peyton from Barboursville, but he was a Highlander at Heart when our daughter, Shelia was in the band and then made Majorette (1984) and our youngest daughter, Stacie was in the band and Lads & Lassies (1987).
Favorite HEHS Memory
The pep assemblies--we had one every Friday morning during football season and a few during basketball.
The band playing "Scotland the Brave" or "Bonnie". (Yes, Bob Tweel was there).
The cheerleaders running down the aisle and the majorettes marching up to the stage
Ms. Chandler leading the entire school in singing the Alma Mater with pride.
The traditions that were so meaningful to every student and teacher in everything that was done during the assemblies and in everything that we did during the school year.
Lads & Lassies singing the songs that we all will remember.
Do I miss it? Yes, I do!
We love your page, Michelle and you are doing a wonderful job with it. We would love to see every class from HEHS have a page such as yours.
Dick Jefferson
Superintendant Cabell County Schools
What a great idea! I hope other classes will do this. Thanks for sharing!

Cindy Crow Adkins
HEHS Class of 1985
Take care of my 4 year old son, Tanner Colt Adkins
I married Keith W. Adkins class of 1985. We were married on June 3, 1989. We have one son Tanner Colt Adkins who is 4 years old. We also had another son on Oct. 15, 1997 Tucker Lee Adkins, he passed away on Oct. 17, 1997. We love and miss him very much.
Favorite HEHS Memory
All of my years in the band and all of the football games, band trips and all of the friendships that I made and still maintain today.
Michelle, your page is great, and everyone I have showed it to from East just loves it too. You have inspired me to do one for our class of 1985. You have done a great job!

Jeanne Wray
JWray @marshall.edu
HEHS Class of 1978
Went to Marshall University and now a teacher aide with Cabell County BOE at new HHS for two years now.
Married my highlander high school sweetheart and our only son graduated June 6 of this year from the new HHS.
Favorite HEHS Memory
All of my memories are special of HEHS, but my favorite would have to be meeting my now husband of the last 20 years! All those lunches at Wiggins, BBF and Gino's!
Your site is Great!!! Even though I could not get the music to play, keep up the great work and I hope you have a great reunion. Ours is coming up in July...20 years.

Donald D. Elswick
HEHS Class of 1984
Rhone-Poulenc, Institute Plant
Married Stephanie from Barbourville. Son, Corey (10) and daughter Tara (5).
Favorite HEHS Memory
Working on Annual Staff and Wiggins on Friday night!
The page looks great! Tara loved the 'Bonnie'. If I get any information on 15-year reunion, I'll pass it on. Take care.

Suzanne Tomkies
HEHS Class of 1984
Attorney specializing in Intellectual Property Law (copyright, trademark, etc.). B.B.A from Texas Christian University; J.D. South Texas Colleg of Law
Single (but with a serious 'significant other').
Favorite HEHS Memory
Riding home from school with Andy Allen, et al; Preparing homecoming decorations and breaking into the school to put them up
Good job Michelle!

Lynrae Hysell
HEHS Class of 1984
Married David Boylan (HEHS Class of 1982)--been happily married 11 years and have been blessed with 3 wonderful, beautiful daughters-- LeAnn (8), Janel (4), and Lynda (2) named after my beloved mom I lost in 1994.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Had alot of fun being a majorette--loved the football games. My Wyatt catching me going to Taco Bell (gave me a week detention for that one). Always had fun staying at Suzanne's--never knew what we were going to get into!
Great job Michelle!! Glad I have gotten to know you now and sorry I missed out on knowing the real you in high school!

Jim Searls
HEHS Class of 1964
Retiring this year after 32 years in broadcasting. I am launching a new career in teaching at secondary level. Live in Western Michigan, near the lake.
Married a Michigan girl about 20 years ago and have two daughters who really love to return to West Virginia with me.
Favorite HEHS Memory
I still remember the school spirit of the assemblies. I think TPing was just beginning to be a fad in Huntington--we did lockers and once used over 300 rolls on one house!!!
Very interesting site. You might get more from class of 64 since the address was passed along our e-mail list. Keep up the good work.

Vicki Hensley Thomas
HEHS Class of 1984
Married Greg Thomas HEHS Class of 1982, 3 children; Joseph (1/25/83), Chris (12/1/84), Kristana (1/20/87)
Favorite HEHS Memory
Girls flag football

Paige Meek Cobb
HEHS Class of 1984
Graduated from Florida State University with B.S. in Marketing Management, Florida Institute of Ultrasound. Employed by Nashville Memorial Hospital.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Football games, flag football, nights at Suzannes and the night Michelle, Holly Cline and I went out and almost got caught doing something we weren't supposed to be doing.
What a great way to keep up with everyone!

Angie Spurlock Gibson
HEHS Class of 1984
Married Mark Gibson class of 1985
Michelle, love what you've done with the webpage. Thanks for your great effort. So much talent you have. Love, Anj

Shelly Myrtle Thevenin
HEHS Class of 1984
Graduated Marshall University School of Nursing. I am now the manager over Cardiovascular Surgery. Married Mike Thevenin (Class of 1985) in 1987. We have lived in Harrisburg, NC for 12 years. That is adjacent to Charlotte. We have two girls: Ally-5 years old; Holly-3 years old.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Because Mike and I dated almost all of our high school years, most of my memories are of him. We were both in the band and had a great time on all of our trips. The proms and graduation I will never forget.
We are glad we found this web page. It is AWESOME. Thanks Michelle for taking the time to put it together.

Sarah Swann McKenzie
HEHS Class of 1984
I've stayed home for the most part, but to regain my sanity, I work at Hollytree Racquet Club part-time. Married Ky. native Steve McKenzie (MU Class of 1984) and have two children; Hannah (5) and Ian (3).
Favorite HEHS Memory
Gosh, there are so many. Let's see-hanging out in the coach's office with Coach Sang and Miller as well as with the few certain guys in the lockers...oh yeah! And lets see, how can I forget hanging with my girl Tracy Epperson and those Purple Jesus's up on the nob on Friday night. Oh boy... most of call, how can I forget being part of the first girls softball team at HEHS! Did I write too much? :)
This is great page! Even though I live 500 miles away, this makes me feel closer to home and friends. Great job Michelle.

Patty Traylor Hoskins
HEHS Class of 1984
Received a scholarship and played volleyball for MU; graduated from MU Criminal Justice Dept. 1988; Paralegal for 5 years; part of management team for Huntington Blizzard 1993-1996; now, full-time mom! Also a certified SSAC volleyball official for WV. Married CD Hoskins (B'ville Class of 1981), two daughters, Madison, 6 and Hunter, 3. Madison is in the first grade at Covenant Christian School, Huntington.

Raymond B. Parks
HEHS Class of 1984
Assistant Sales Manager for JH Fletcher and Co. I married Denise Williams, HEHS grad in 1987. We have a daughter named Madison who is three years old.

Michael Ore
HEHS Class of 1984
Manager with Bell Atlantic. Married Carla Eden, we have 2 children, Nicholas and Michaela.
Favorite HEHS Memory

Joe & Nancy Nicholas
HEHS Class of 1984
I am a Cake salesman for Dolly Madison Bakery (12 years), worked out of Charleston for 10 yrs and just transferred to Huntington last year.--Nancy graduated Marshall with a Nursing Degree and is currently a Medical Coordinator for Nationwide Insurance. We have 3 beautiful yungins, that take up most of our time.
Favorite HEHS Memory

Wendy Curtis Chapman
HEHS Class of 1984
Married Keith Chapman (13 years), three children; Paige 12, Corey 9, Shelby 3. Nurse assistant @ CHH Cardiac Stepdown, currently attending Ashland Community College (ACC)
currently living in Lavalette WV.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Wiggins after friday night football games, Rocky Horror picture shows, hotel and ACF parties. And how could I forget every moment that my best friend Mary Mcclellan and I spent together.
Michelle, great job! This Web Page has allowed me to get in touch with people I could not find before. I miss everyone!!!

Lori Ann (White) Kelker
HEHS CLass of 1984
Married Challen Jay Kelker from Las Vegas, NV. He is in the US Army and we have been married for 13 years. We have 3 children, David 12, Ashley 9, and Marie 2. Challen has 4 years to retirement. Might come back to Huntington....Oh..we are Latter Day Saints. Please visit one of the Wards in Huntington...God Bless. I shuttle kids to Basketball, Softball, Baseball, Soccer, Football, Scouts, Achievement Days, I am a assistant compassionate service, Ward activity committee, Primary Teacher and Jay and I are on the Middle school advisory committee. Have lived in Texas, Germany, Washington, Louisiana, Virginia and READY to settle in one place...I took a few classes at Maryland University, College Park Campus in Heidelburg, Germany.
Favorite HEHS memory
Being with my friends!
Kim Woodyard always has my address.

Brian Daniels
HEHS Class of 1984
Married Katie McGinn (HHS '87). Son: Samuel Quentin born June 10, 1996. Graduated Marshall University with Marketing degree. Work as a Real Estate Appraiser for the Cabell County Assessor's Office.

Charlie Brown
HEHS Class of 1984
Married Monica Seta (UMassachusetts '88) in '93. Lived in Chicago 4 yrs until we were ready for kids and a house. Relocated to Cincinnati in '95. Have 3 1/2 yr old Evan and 8 month-old Claire. Life is good.

Jamie (Bird) Taylor
HEHS Class of 1984
Homemaker-Virginia State University. Teacher NK-3. married to T.W. Taylor of Va.- He is a Pharmacist/Entrepreneur/Pilot/ex WInston Cup driver/owner etc. etc. (Life is neever dull) I have two boys- Hunter Cole (7-stepson) and Levi Dalton (6 mos) I am an at-home-Mommy and I love it! We live on Lake Chesdin in Matoaca, Va. Come play with us!!!
Favorite HEHS Memory
Girls' Softball- The Bad News Bears!
Life is WONDERFULL!!!!

Tamera Strickland Skeans
HEHS Class of 1984
Married John Skeans (HEHS Class of 1979). We have two beautiful daughters- Kelsey (7) and Karli (1). Have been full-time mom for past seven years. Living in Huntington but will be relocating to Racine, Wisconsin soon.

Chris Ward
My home page
HEHS Class of 1984
Graduated from Marshall University- BA in Elementary Education. Youth Minister in Charleston, WV. Married Jennifer (Whitt) Ward- Hurricane High Grad- 3 children- Rachael, Josiah and Brynna.

Robin (Dirton) Skeens
HEHS Class of 1984
Graduated from Marshall University and I'm currently a Shift manager for Telespectrum Worldwide in Huntington. I am married to Philip Skeens (13 years). We have two boys, Christopher (12) and Drew (10). We live in W. Hamlin, WV.
GREAT WEBPAGE!!! I'll see you at the reunion in August.

Kerri Egnor Blankenship
HEHS Class of 1984
Graduated from Marshall University in 1987 from the Nursing program. Have workied in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Cabell Huntington Hospital for almost 12 years now. I live in Huntington with my family. Married Kevin Blankenship (HEHS 1984) in 1989 after 8 years of dating. We will be celelbratin our 10-year wedding Anniversary this Dec. We have two girls, Kately will be 7 yrs old in June, and Kasey is 4 ½ yrs. old.
Favorite HEHS Memory
I miss singing in the choir and with the Lads and Lassies. I have fond memories of the good times we had especially performing in Oklahoma!

Lisa Jones Parker
HEHS Class of 1984
Hairdresser. Rent a station part time at Happy Hair Boutique. I am married to Bill Parker who graduated from Vinson high school. He is Nurse manager of Cardiac Stepdown at Cabell Huntington Hospital. We have one son named Dylan who will be 5 in august.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Being in the choir at hehs and being in lads and lassies. trying to guess what everyone would be and some people said Rob Flaugher would be a Proctologist. ha ha

Ron Prichard
HEHS Class of 1984
I am a Project Coordinator with the Design and Construction Department of the Home Office of Kmart out of Troy, MI. I now live in South Point, Ohio. I married Theresa Rudy, but now Iam divorced, but we are looking to get back together. I have two stepdaughters, Diana 18, and Kristin 10.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Just getting to be with friends, because now I never see anyone from the old class of 84, because of all the travel that I do.
I really enjoyed the 10th year reunion, it gave me a chance to show friends how much I had changed over the years. I look forward to seeing everyone again.

Lisa Wilson
HEHS Class of 1984
Married Ronnie Adkins of HHS. Graduated from MU, owns his own business. We have 2 boys,Chaise 14 yrs and Trace 14 months. I am starting all over again and loving it.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Jenny Thacker, Connie Crigger and myself got into alot of mischief

Craig Errington
HEHS Class of 1984
Graduated from the University of Virginia in 1988, where I met my wife Mary Beth. Since then I've been working in the apparel industry, spending time on marketing, advertising and product development for brands like Dickies, Lee and Wrangler. We now live in Greesboro, NC. My wife and I have been married 8 years. We have two daughters: 4-year old Alex and 1-year old Julia. There is nothing I enjoy more than spending time with the Errington girls!
This web site is such a great idea. I missed the 10-year reunion, so this is the first chance I've had to once again see so many names from the past. Hope to get to Huntington this August.

Connie Crigger Anselmi
HEHS Class of 1984
Graduated in 1986 from Huntington School of Beauty Culture as a cosmetologist. Worked ten years as a stylist and two years at Alliedsignal Aerospace Company as an accounts payable clerk. Just recently relocated to Sarasota, Florida. Currently enjoying being a homemaker and seekin employment as an accounts payable clerk. My husband and I met when I was 15 and he 16. He was my first car date. We started dating steady while he was in the USMC in 1985. His name is Eddie Anselmi (Class of '83). We got married in 1988. We have two beautiful children: daughter-Jourdan Alexandra (6) and son- Ashton Cole (17 months).
Favorite HEHS Memory
All the good times with my two best friends, Lisa Wilson and Jenny Thacker. And can't forget the first time I met my husband on the second floor by his locker. We both are proud to be Highlander Alumni
Great job Michelle. This is so wonderful. I missed the 10 year reunion, but am looking forward to this year's. See you there!

Tim Dillon
HEHS Class of 1984
Married Amy Flanagan, class of 1985 and one son, Kevin.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Thankx for your work on this, Michelle, it was fun.

Debra Fox Good
HEHS Class of 1984
Married Douglas Good from Athens. Ga. We currently live in Parkersburg. We have two daughters, Lindsay (8) and Kelsey (3). Former manager at Benson Music, Nashville, TN. Currently full time homemaker.
Favorite HEHS Memory
My favorite memories are of band.

Sherri (Wooten) Price
HEHS Class of 1984
I have been married for 10 years to a wonderful man and father. We have 3 beautiful little girls, jenny (6 yrs and a 1st grader in the fall at fairland elem.), jessica (2 yrs and rotten), and julie marie (1 yr and who has a smile for everyone). We live in Proctorville, Ohio. I am a stay at home mom. I was a manager at Musicland/Suncoast Motion Pictures at the Huntington Mall for 8 years. My hubby (stuart) is a CSX train engineer.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Girls softball, Wiggens, vo-tech
Great web page. Looking forward to the 15 year reunion.

Frank Lambertus
HEHS Class of 1984
Engineering/Economics degree from Vanderbilt; graduate degree from University of Colorado. Have lived in Denver for 10 years. Working as a CPA. No kids; just a mountain bike and skis.

Sarabeth Fetter
HEHS Class of 1983
Married Ben Fetter. One child, David 7 yrs. old.
Great WebPage. Looks really good.

Jennifer Maynard Bledsoe
HEHS Class of 1984
Marshall Grad, Married to Rickie Bledsoe and have two children (Jessica 2 and Payton 3 months). Live in Louisville, KY and employed by Humana as a program integrity specialist.
Favorite HEHS Memory
spending time with my friends and cheering
Great job with the website Michelle. It's nice to know what everyone is doing

Tom Curry
HEHS Class of 1984
Rehab Nurse Tech at Healthsouth Huntington. Married Beth Ross 1 child Jason
I live at 778-A Reuben Branch Rd. Salt Rock, WV for 4 years

Clarissa Hutchinson Steffen
HEHS Class of 1984
Attended Marshall University. I am employed with Prestera Mental Health as Administrative Support Staff (billing clerk ha ha). I married the most wonderful man 10 years ago this Dec... Michael "Shawn" Steffen (St. Joe '79, Marshall '84) He has his own business here in Htgn. Steffen's Tumbling Center. We have no children, only puppies.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Annual Staff, the library (the shelves were great for hiding... you know who you are!) running around with Melissa Smith, Tink Tanner (83) and our Barboursville boys, the Campus Life events and St. Joe Tournaments.
I think its great how well everyone is doing! Michelle, fantastic page!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gianna Imperi
HEHS Class of 1984
Graduated from St. Mary's School of Radiologic Technology, Ohio State University of Nuclear Medicine Technology, and Owen Brown's Technician's and Physician's Workshop in Cardiac Ultrasound. I currently work for ADAC Laboratories as a Technical Sales Manager in Kentucky and Tennessee. I have just started my own Internet business with I am very excited about.
I appreciate the work of Michelle and Angie who have made all of this 'togetherness' possible. Hats off to both of you!

Steven Meadows
HEHS Class of 1984
Pharmacist with a small chain pharmacy in Delaware. Graduated from Marshall with a B.S. in Zoology in 1989 and from WVU school of pharmacy in 1992. Married Dawna Nelson (1984) 2 daughters Kelsea Elizabeth (5) and Hayley Danielle (4)
Favorite HEHS Memory
Prom with my future wife Dawna Nelson
Nice Web Page

Christina Miller Adkins
HEHS Class of 1984
I have been a stay-at-home mom for 10 years and been attending Marshall University in the evenings majoring in Elem. Ed. K-8. Married Greg Adkins (B'ville Grad '84) for eleven years. We have been back in Huntington for 5 years. Greg is a Supervisor for Inco Alloys. We have two great kids, Kala (10) and C.J. (5).
Favorite HEHS Memory
I have great memories of the choir and Lads and Lassies.
Awesome idea! It's great to see how everyone is doing.

Bobby Morris
HEHS 1984
Marshall. I am divorced and single. I have 3 kids zack, alesha and caleb.
Favorite HEHS Memory
my days wrestling, and the friends I have met and kept in touch with.
Say hello to all my fellow highlanders.

Dawna Meadows
HEHS 1984
CPA, Accounting Manager at Citicorp working part-time to be with my daughters Kelsea (5) and Hayley (4), graduated Marshall University 1988. Married Steve Meadows.

Scott Wood
HEHS 1984
Graduated from West Virginia State College in 1989 with an Education degree. Taught for 4 yeras in Beckley before moving back to Hgtn. and teaching at Buffalo-Wayne HS. Currently teaching at Spring Valley HS.
Excellent job on the page

Mike Thevenin
HEHS 1985
Went to Marshall for two years, graduated from Central Piedmont College in '93. Worked as an electrician for six years. Now a part-time painter in Charlotte and full time "Mr Mom" to two beautiful daughters. Married Shelli Myrtle ('84) in 1987. We have two daughters, Ally (5) and Holly (3).
Favorite HEHS Memory
Band trips, working in Mr. Wyatt's office seventh period, going to almost all of the dances with Shelli.
Great idea Michelle. We missed you at the reunion. I think everyone that was there had a great time and had many praises for the web page.

Lora Walker Brown
HEHS 1985
RN Operating Room Cabell Huntington Hospital. Married Chris Brown (HEHS '79) 2 children Allison 12, and Hunter 8.
Favorite HEHS Memory
running around and trying not to get caught by parents, cheering and hanging out with great people from the class of '84
love the web page and hope to hear from everyone

Kelley Rice Dick
HEHS 1981
Marshall Univ. 1986, Teacher's assistant Cabell County Schools. Married John Dick (Class of '79) 2 children Johnathan 8, Christopher 2.
Favorite HEHS Memory
majorette, football games, and the disco garage

Missy Basler Bish
HEHS 1984
Graduate of WVU School of Pharmacy 1990. Work part time at Huntington State Hospital as Staff Pharmacist. I miss working at Drug Emporium where I kept up with everyone by either seeing them, filling their prescriptions or their family's rxs. Married Chuck Bish of Weirton WV (met at pharmacy school). Have two boys, Brennan 5, and Ethan 10 months.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Homecoming preparations at Suzanne's with Charlie being naughty, lunch at Ginos, weekends at Jills (sneaking out, trying to steal cars, etc).
Missed you at the reunion Michelle!!!

Susan Cyrus Legg
HEHS 1984
Office Manager and Surgical Assistant for a private OB-Gyn practice in Charleston. Attended Marshall University and graduated in Surgical Technology June '99. Love my job!! Married Earl Legg class of '83. Have been married for 12 years. We have two beautiful children. Meredith who will be 10 in Sept. and Garrett who will be 4 in Oct. They are the light of our lives.
Favorite HEHS Memory
My favorite memories are of course Band and Majorette. All of my friends, football games and making floats. Wiggins milkshakes and Gino's pizza breads for lunch. Pep assemblies and band camp. Miss it all.
You did a wonderful job on the page, Michelle.

Mary Lynne Wills Thacker
HEHS 1984
Married Larry Thacker. We have 3 children, Samantha - 14 years and a freshman at Huntington High School, Schauna - 11 years and in 5th grade at Geneva Kent Elementary, Seth - 7 years and in 2nd grade at Geneva Kent Elementary.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Gino's at lunch, the boat docks, football games, flag football and running cross country.
Great job!

Paul P. Porter
HEHS 1984
Currently: I work for American Electric Power's IT Help Services Dept., servicing users throughout the company. I have been here almost 2 years now. I left a few months after graduation and moved to Columbus, Ohio. I have since lived in Cincinnati, OH; Pickering, OH & now Baltimore, OH. My heart still belongs to the Wild-N-Wonderful. I'll be visiting WV again this weekend (Jan. 29, 2000).
Favorite HEHS Memory
I thought most of high school was quite fun. I did enjoy singing & being part of Lads & Lassies and vocational school & VICA. I made several friends and have been in touch with them on/off for the last several years. We sure had some nice teachers!
I have really missed out on some of the HEHS events. I hope that I can be part of the future events. It was great to see a few pictures of some of the people I knew. This was great, Michelle. Please let me know of any upcoming events.

Jeffrey T. McCain
HEHS 1982
Served in the military for 6 1/2 years and traveled to many parts of the US and Germany. I am currently attending Marshall and will graduate in May 2000 with a degree in education. Currently working at Federal Express in Huntington and serving West Virginia National Guard with the rank of First Lieutenant.
Favorite HEHS Memory
How could anyone not remember band camps at Camp Caesar?
Would like to hear from my fellow classmates from 1982 to see how and whatever you are doing and up to after all these years.

Gary L.Felder
HEHS 1984
I am married with children to the beautiful Tobi (Chapel). I joined the U.S. Army after graduating, I have been all over the world, including Hawaii and Rio De Janeiro. I have worked for both Presidents Bush and Clinton as a White House Logistics/Operations NCO. I am currently in Europe working as a First Sergeant In-Charge of the training center, graduating about 4000 soldiers annually. I am an accredited Army Instructor and I am currently working on my Bachelors in Instructional Techniques. Finally, I will be back in the United States in December 2000. I will stop in Huntington.
Favorite HEHS Memory
As I look back, I enjoyed my conversations with Mr. Isaacs and Coach Sang, their advice given at that time has definitely helped me in my decision making.
Michelle, I applaud yours and your teams efforts in putting this website together. Keep up the good work.

Ronald (Chew) Blake
HEHS 1985
I married Carla Sheffield (Buffalo HS 1985). I have two sons, Rance 11, and Zacchary, 9. I served in the U.S. Air Force for 8 years. I am now living in Fountain, FL working for the Postal Service as a Maintenance Mechanic. I'm a member of the First Baptist Church of Fountain and serve as the Bible Drill Leader.
Favorite HEHS Memory
The wrestling team.

Sally (Meadows) Ashworth
HEHS 1984
I am a policy processor for a large insurance company and an taking insurance courses. I live in Raleigh NC. I am married to David Ashworth (Class of 85). We just bought a house and are trying to have a child. David is a manager for a nuclear pharmacy.
Favorite HEHS Memory
Going to Rotary Park on the weekends. Hanging out with my bud Melinda McNeely. Going barhopping on prom night with the wild girls with no dates. You know who you are.
Michelle great web site. Thanks for getting in touch with Dave to let me know about it. I miss you girl. Your house was like my second home when we were kids. Hope your family is well. I see your sister every now and then. Email me sometime. Love you all. Always homesick for WVa!

Rodney Glenn Smith
HEHS 1984
Marshall University. Married Kelly Morris (1986), one daughter, Morgan, 7 years old.

Denise Spurlock
HEHS 1984
Currently completing a Medical Assisting Certification class through the Ultrasound Diagnostics School in Dallas, TX. Married Clint Howard (Class of 1983)

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