1984--The Year 
What was 1984 like? I've compiled some of the things I can remember.... can you add anything?
This page is maintained by Michelle Carter Ferguson with the help of some other alums, so it doesn't necessarily represent opinions of the school or even all the alumnis. Also, despite my best effort, the information obtained here can not be guaranteed as accurate. Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
*Patti Peyton (Shelia's mom & HEHS Grad) for the 'Bonnie' audio file , research, contributions and support.
* Alan Scott (HEHS Class of '81) for his help with construction.
* All those that have contributed and continue to do so..

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SchoolNews web site. Click here to browse a great site for graduates of any school and register yourself.
ClassMates web site. Check out this site..another way to view graduates and get yourself signed up.
High School Alumni.com This is a new one I just found and it's great!
Email here!
Michelle's Family Web Page
HEHS is no more. It has been replaced with the new Huntington High School as a result of consolidating HEHS and HHS. Once bitter rivals, they have combined to create a great school. You can check out all Cabell County Schools here!
Cabell County BOE

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Disclaimer: Michelle Carter Ferguson recognizes the value and potential of personal publishing on the internet, however, HEHS does not accept responsibility for the contents of these pages. These pages do not in any way constitute official HEHS contents. The views and opinions expressed in the pages to follow are strictly those of the page author, and comments on the contents of those pages should be directed to the page author.
updated 5/10/99