4C 1999

WELCOME to the homepage of RVHS Sec.4C'99. This class (1998-1999)comprises of 36 individual from different parts of Asia like China, Taiwan, Malaysia and S'pore. Our subjects combination includes English, Higher Chinese, Chemistry, Physics, A & E maths, Geography and C-literature

The 4C that we have established, the different personalities each 4C-ian possess, the different background each of us came from, and our ever burning spirit, will be remembered by every 4C-ian forever. May the Chameleon Spirit never dies.

All photos are shifted to the photo-gallary, incl. those from Meiyan's hpuse and the LATEST ones taken at Jinzhan's house


Individual Intro of 4C's GIRLS.Got neoprints!

Individual intro of 4C 's hunks. China species.

PART 2 of a bove. Local and Malaysia species.

A to Z of 4C'99.

The 1999 class committe of 4C.

See the BEST from the 98 Napfa test.

For links to other RV teachers and class homepages,...

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life forms have visited this site since 16 May 1998.

This homepage is maintained by Jan Koh.