Sebelum kenal exco, mesti kenal-kenal dulu cikgu yang seringkali menasihatkan diorang bila diorang buat silap, salah dan perkara-perkara yang sewaktu dengannya (dan perkara ini berlaku begitu kerap sekali...hehehe). Cikgu, kekalkan tahap kesabaran cikgu pada peringkat maksimum.
  To know the excos, you must get to know their advisor first, who's always advising them when they made mistakes, mess up, goes haywire and things like that (and that happens often!). Teacher...mantain your level of patience to the max....

    BiO...logi??? Eh, biodatalah!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, sampailah ke acara kemuncak. Hendak kenal exco-exco ynag menerajui kelab ini??? Sebenarnya... tak ada apa-apa yang menarik sangat pasal mereka...hehehe.. Tapi kalau hendak kenal juga, baca sajalah......
  And now, for the moment we've all been waiting for. Want to know those those who hold the reins of leadership in their hands? Actually....there isn't anything much about them....but if you insist....~_^ on...