Contact Information
To find my current email address, you will need to check the current email address web page.
Benjamin Fan
7 Village Ln. Apt. 4B
Tyngsboro, MA 01879-2832
Interactive Fiction
The free interactive fiction page Free Interative Fiction .
Two Boston Breakers pictures I found. These are from their photo shoot for the Improper Bostonian magazine.
Here are some pictures of me dressed in a penguin costume.
Letters From Massachusetts
This was a series of letters written to Letter From Massachusetts,
a guide for college students who might want a tech job in Massachusetts. The audience was Computer Science students at the University at Buffalo, in case you were wondering.
- 2001-03-25
- Cake decorating, cheating, work for Enterprise Rent-a-Car, Progress Software, Xyterra's Disruptive Technology.
- 2001-02-11
- Omni Parker House, dance lessons, cake decorating lessons, compilers. Sonus Networks, Softricity, be a software developer for the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
- 2001-01-21
- My friend Milo, the evil comapany known as NURV, AntiTrust, Integral Access, Cereva, New Hampshire is no longer God's Country, ski with ATG, meet Tod Loofbourrow [sic], Avici, Foliage Software Systems.
- 2001-01-14
- The Great Gatsby, What Women Want, new calendar for the semester, RSA AntiTrust, a Sun ad, casual Fridays, Foliage Software Systems, Harvest Moon 64, Mac information, quality of life, motivating lazy CS students, an endowment fund for UB's CSE Department, Massachusetts election results, Quine, WebDialogs.
- 2000-12-10
- Uncharitable Massachusetts, $6000 guitar, Thomas Kinkade (Painter of Light), singing with the fishes, new career events, Boston Phoenix ads, Sanchez Computer Associates, Credit Management Services.
- 2000-12-03
- iMac sorrow, untrustworthy Jeff Goldblum, dog food, penguin suits, high tech NY, crappy Rhode Islanders, Foliage, Ennovate, iConverse, WGBH.
- 2000-11-19
- iMac jubilation, campus gender gap, Web Designer 1-3 years experience $375,000, Cereva, Pyxis, Ironbridge, Avidyne flight lessons, comparing salaries from different regions, avoiding HR gatekeepers.
- 2000-11-05
- Get out the vote, Flutie Flakes, my Green Party story, Republican hair, my summer with the Communists, Massachusetts referendum questions, Engage, iORMYX, PSDI, NEBS, InteQ, BizLand, Jobapalooza vs. Jobsapalooza.
- 2000-10-29
- Rotman's, pronunciation guide, spaghetti-strap crop tank tops at the company store, job fairs, "Great Perks, No Jerks", Buffalo area high-tech resources, Lucent, Akamai, Gold Wire Technology, ATG, Celox, Centillium, Raqia Networks, E-dialog.
- 2000-10-15
- Jordan's Furniture, non-productive faculty, housing crisis followup, Seussical woes, Sun Microsystems, Genuity, NerveWire, Xalient, Veridiem, Authoria, iMcKesson, Novalux, ADP needs a Mail Room Clerk, Habama!, Network Engines.
- 2000-10-08
- Movies, the Boston theater scene, Brian Dennehy (every time he tries to get out, they pull him back in!), dinner theater fare, apply for a job and win a Porsche Boxster.
- 2000-10-01
- Presidential candidate debate vs. Survivor, the Boston housing crisis, Sanders, Aldi, Sanders part 2, Availant, KMC Systems.
- 2000-09-24
- UMass Amherst's honors program, gender gap in science and technology, online groceries, $60 an hour internships, Sanders, the Boston Globe's "Big Help" section, Daniel Webster College, Lancast, TeleKnowledge, Sanders, iBasis' free lunch, Be Free's fresh fruit, OpenTV, Mindseye's free beer and margaritas (and bulldog), Habama!, Habama!, Habama!, the South Coast of Massachusetts, Habama!
- 2000-09-17
- God's Country, Tyngsboro is Sin Central, Foolish U. story, Tvisions, Mirror Image, Rational Software, Simpatix, S Green Stamps go online, Speedline's NE Patriots tickets, how to apply for on-campus interviews.
- 2000-09-10
- Sports in Massachusetts, elitist colleges, Blaine Beauty Career Schools, Xintra computer certification, Ace the Technical Interview, local Boston small talk topics, Sun Microsystems.
- 2000-09-03
- The Boston job market, differences between Boston and Buffalo, The Real Rules vs. The Rules, Semptor, Ezenia!, Openpages, Weddings2go, Coree Networks.