Presentation at Meeting

Invited Speaker

1.     Title: Mechanism of Vancomycin Resistance in Vancomycin-Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus. 12th International Symposium on Staphylococci & Staphylococcal Infections, 3-6 September 2006, Maastricht Exhibition  & Congress Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands. (

2.     Title: Mechanism of Glycopeptide Resistance.

The 3rd International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance.  Abstruct B1; p393.  July 16-18, 2003, Seoul Korea. (

3.     Title: 細胞壁の厚さとパンコマシン耐性との関係 (Thick cell wall and vancomycin resistance in S.aureus).

76回日本細菌学会総会(76th Annual Meeting, Japanese Society for Microbiology ), May 1-3, 2003, Kumamoto, Japan. (

4.     Title: The mechanism of vancomycin resistance in S.aureus.

The 10th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections (ISSSI), Tsukuba, Tokyo. Oct. 17-19, 2002. (

5.     Title: The mechanism of vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus.

75回日本細菌学会総会(75th Annual Meeting, Japanese Society for Microbiology ), Yokohama, Japan. April. 7-9, 2002. (

6.     Title: Vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus.

46回 日本ブドウ球菌研究会. (46th Japanese society for Staphylococci) 徳島市・徳島大学 長井記念ホール. Tokushima, Japan, Sept. 7-9, 2001.  (

7.     Title: Biochemical and genetic basis of vancomycin resistance in staphylococc.

Gordon Research Conference, Staphylococcal Diseases, Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA.  August 12-17, 2001. (



Slide or Poster

1.    Longzhu Cui, Hui-min Neoh, Keiichi Hiramatsu. On graSR system. 2007. GRC on Staphylococcal diseases (Switzerland ).

2.    内山 倫宏、桑原 京子、片山 由紀、崔 龍洙、馬場 理、平松 啓一。MRSA感染症におけるLinezolidの位置づけ-基礎的検討からの提言。第55回日本化学療法学会総会(仙台).

3.    Michihiro Uchiyama, Kyoko Kuwahara, Yuki Katayama, Tadashi Baba, Longzhu Cui, Keiichi Hiramatsu. Linezolid versus Vancomycin for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. 2007. ISAAR (Singapore).

4.    Longzhu Cui, Hui-min Neoh, Keiichi Hiramatsu. A Mutated Response-Regulator graR is Responsible for Hetero-VISA to VISA Phenotypic Conversion of Vancomycin Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. 2007.  ISAAR (Singapore). Own “2007 Outstanding Post Award”

5.    Hui-min Neoh, 崔 龍洙, 平松 啓一. Two-component regulatory system GraSR is involved in converting Mu3 from hetero-VISA into VISA phenotype. 2007年、第80回日本細菌学会総会(大阪).

6.    崔龍洙Hui-min Neoh、平松啓一. 黄色ブドウ球菌のゲノムFlip-Flop逆位. 2007年、第80回日本細菌学会総会(大阪). (Workshop presentation). 

7.    岩本昭崔龍洙, J-Q. Lian, H. Neo, 丸山敏毅、堀川弥太郎、平松啓一, バンコマイシン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌の新奇耐性メカニズムと反応拡散方程式2006年、日本物理学会第61回年次大会(愛媛) .

8.    大塚淳之介、北村昭夫 、伊藤輝代、馬場 理、崔 龍洙 、平松啓一、田代英夫。MRSA疫学アレイの開発。2006年、第80回日本感染症学会総会(東京).

9.    崔龍洙平松啓一. Novel Mechanism of Antibiotic Resistance Originating in Vancomycin-Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus. 2006年、54回日本化学療法学会総会演題登録(京都)

10.崔龍洙平松啓一. Cross-resistance of Vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus to Daptomycin and Vancomycin. 2006年、第79回日本細菌学会総会(金沢).

11.  Longzhu Cui, Akira Iwamoto, Keiichi Hiramatsu. Thickened Cell Wall Delays the Diffusion of Vancomycin to the Target of Action: a new Model of Vancomycin Resistance in Vancomycin-Intermediate S. aureus (VISA). Gordon Research Conference, Staphylococcal Diseases, August 21-26, 2005, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI,USA. (

12.  崔龍洙平松啓一の代行)。黄色ブドウ球菌の全ゲノム情報に基づく薬剤耐性機構の解明とその克服。科学研究費補助金「特定領域研究(C)」感染の成立と宿主応答の分子基盤。平成17年度第二回全体班会議。(東京学術総合センター、2005.1.7~9)。講演要旨集p268-269

13.  崔龍洙、岩本 昭、平松啓一。A New Strategy of Antibiotic Resistance Originating in Vancomycin-IntermediateStaphylococcus aureusPoster50回ブドウ球菌シンポジウム。2005。岡山大学。(平成17915日〜16)

14.  崔 龍洙Hui-min Neoh、田島 裕、平松啓一。黄色ブドウ球菌におけるバンコマイシン耐性モデルの試み。第78回日本細菌学会総会(東京)。Poster-1-240. 日本細菌学雑誌 60(1):p122. 2005.

15.  星最智,片山由紀,崔龍洙,平松啓一。黄色ブドウ球菌のgfpレポータープラスミドを用いた遺伝子解析の応用。第78回日本細菌学会総会(東京)。Poster-2-22. 日本細菌学雑誌 60(1):p130. 2005.

16.  崔龍洙JianQi LianHuimin NeohEthel Reyes、平松啓一。Glycopeptide耐性に関与する遺伝子の同定及び機能解析。第49回ブドウ球菌シンポジウム。2004。つくば国際会議場(茨城県つくば市竹園2丁目)。

17.  久田研、桑原京子、森本ゆふ、崔 龍洙、馬場理、伊藤輝代、平松啓一。日本における市中型MRSAおよびMRC-NSの広がり。第77回日本細菌学会総会(大阪)。Poster-2139. 日本細菌学雑誌 59(1):p222. 2004.

18.  Hui-min Neoh崔 龍洙、連 建奇、平松啓一。Molecular cloning of a novel gene cluster conferring methicillin resisance to pre-MRSA strain N315。第77回日本細菌学会総会(大阪)。Poster-1090. 日本細菌学雑誌 59(1):p117. 2004.

19.  竹内史比古、馬場理、渡辺真弥、伊藤輝代、崔 龍洙、森本ゆふ、黒田 誠、高橋乾男、安海明百、平松啓一。Staphylococcus aureus, epidemidis,heamolyticusの全ゲノム比較と進化。第77回日本細菌学会総会(大阪)。Poster-1104. 日本細菌学雑誌 59(1):p124. 2004.

20.  崔 龍洙、連 建奇、黒田 誠、Huimin Nhor、平松啓一。Identification of the genes associated with glycopeptide-resistance in Staphylococcus aureus using microarray。第77回日本細菌学会総会(大阪)。Poster-1088. 日本細菌学雑誌 59(1):p116. 2004.

21.  Longzhu Cui, Jian-Qi Lian, Makodo Kuroda and Keiichi Hiramatsu, Identification of the genes associated with vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. 第3回あわじしま感染症・免疫フォーラム(淡路島)2003825()-28()(

22.  Longzhu Cui. Jianqi Lian, Huimin Neoh and Keiichi Hiramatsu. A novel mechanism of antibiotic resistance: Thickened cell wall determines low-level vancomycin resistance in S. aureus. Poster. Gordon Research Conference, Staphylococcal Diseases, September 7-12, 2003. Queen's College, Oxford, UK. (

23.  Longzhu Cui  A Novel Mechanism of Antibiotic Resistance: Thickened Cell-wall as the Major Phenotypic Determinant of Low-Level Vancomycin Resistance in S.aureus. 4rd International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance.  Abstruct Session G; p101.  July 16 to 18, 2003. Seoul Korea.  Invited speaker. (

24.  崔 龍洙、連 建奇、黒田博子、平松啓一。細胞壁の厚さとバンコマシン耐性 との関係。第76回日本細菌学会総会(熊本)S-7-5. 日本細菌学雑誌 58(1):p90. 2003.

25.  連 建奇、崔 龍洙、黒田 誠、平松啓一。Characterization of a novel gene coding regulator protein to increase beta-lactam resistance in Staphylococcus aureus.76回日本細菌学会総会(熊本)WS-17-2. 日本細菌学雑誌 58(1):p194. 2003.

26.  Longzhu Cui and Keiichi Hiramatsu. Thickened cell wall as the major phenotypic determinant of vancomycin resistance in S. aureus. International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections (ISSSI) 10th meeting in Tsukuba, Japan (16-19 October 2002), Invited speaker. 

27.  Jian-Qi Lian, Longzhu Cui, Makodo Kuroda and Keiichi Hiramatsu. Multiple genetic determinants influencing vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections (ISSSI) 10th meeting in Tsukuba, Japan (16-19 October 2002) Poster.

28.  M. KAPI, F. TAKEUCHI, C. PIRIYAPORN, L.CUI, K. OKUMA, K. HIRAMATSU. Spontaneous mutation accompanying decreased growth rate confers vancomycin resistance in the subpopulation of hetero-VRSA strain Mu3. International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections (ISSSI) 10th meeting in Tsukuba, Japan (16-19 October 2002) Poster.

29.  崔 龍洙、左藤勝弘、平松啓一.電子顕微鏡下に於けるVancomycin耐性黄色ブドウ球菌の形態変化. 平成13年度順天堂大学医学部中央電顕室研究会。Oral. 順天堂医学47(4)p.548~550(2002)

30.  崔 龍洙、平松啓一.  ancomycin耐性黄色ブドウ球菌の耐性メカニズム. Poster. 第50回日本化学療法学会神戸。

31.  崔 龍洙、黒田 誠、連 建奇、平松啓一.  The mechanism of vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. As a Symposister . 75回日本細菌学会総会(横浜). 日本細菌学雑誌 57(1):1213.(横浜)2002.4.

32.  Maria Kapi, 崔 龍洙, 有高奈々絵, 黒田 誠, 平松啓一.  Analysis of hetero-VRSA strain Mu3. Poster. 75回日本細菌学会総会(横浜). 日本細菌学雑誌 57(1):1214. 2002.4.

33.  黒田誠、崔 龍洙、平松啓一.  マイクロアレイを用いした黄色ブドウ球菌の抗生物の応答解析。第75回日本細菌学会総会(横浜).日本細菌学雑誌 57(1):1027.(横浜)2002.4.

34.  山本. 崔 龍洙平松啓一 等。 病院型MRSAと由来を異にするMRSAの市中での蔓延。第75回日本細菌学会総会(横浜).日本細菌学雑誌 57(1):1028.(横浜)2002.4.

35.  崔 龍洙、左藤勝弘、平松啓一。 電子顕微鏡下に於けるVancomycin耐性黄色ブドウ球菌の形態変化。平成13年度順天堂大学医学部中央電顕室研究会。順天堂医学47(4)P.548~550(2002).

36.  崔 龍洙、平松啓一,  The mechanism of vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus.  ブドウ球菌研究会シンポジスト, 46回 日本ブドウ球菌研究会、徳島市・徳島大学 長井記念ホール、平成13(2001)96()7()(

37.  Longzhu Cui. Biochemical and genetic basis of vancomycin resistance in staphylococc.  Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference, Staphylococcal Diseases, August 12-17, 2001 Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island.  Invited speaker.  Tuesday August 14th 19:30 - 21:30, Session 5, Staphylococcal Resistance to Antibiotics. (

38.  Longzhu Cui and Keiichi Hiramatsu, Cell-wall thickness is the major contributor to vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus.  3rd International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance.  Abstruct B1; p393.  April 12-13, 2001, Seoul Korea.

39.  崔 龍洙、馬 笑雪、大熊 慶湖、平松啓一,  細胞壁の厚さと黄色ブドウ球菌バンコマイシン耐性の相関,  日本細菌学雑誌 56(1):281, pm100,(岡山)2001.4

40.  Longzhu Cui, Hiroko Murakami, Kyoko Kuwahara-Arai, Hideaki Hanaki, and Keiichi Hiramatsu.  Mechanism of Vancomycin Resistance Expressed by Staphylococcus aureus  Strain Mu50.   Sept 2000, 40th Interscience conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chamerotherapy (Canada), Abstracts, p79.  Presented in Slide Session.

41.  大熊 慶湖 、崔 龍洙 、平松 啓一。 MRSAvancomycinに対する安定性の比較検討。 日本細菌学雑誌 55(2):232, 29amE09,(北海道)2000.5

42.  谷 知子、崔龍洙花木秀明、 平松啓一。 バンコマイシン耐性と細胞壁肥厚の相関性に基づくVRSAの同定法ついて。 日本細菌学雑誌 55(2):231, 29amE08,(北海道) 000.5

43.  崔 龍洙村上 博子、桑原 京子、花木秀明、 平松啓一.  ON THE THICKENED CELL WALL AND ITS GLUTAMINE-NON-AMIDATED COMPONENT IN VRSA STRAIN MU50.  日本細菌学雑誌 55(2):231, 29amE08,(北海道)2000.5

44.  Longzhu Cui, Hiroko Murakami, Kyoko Kuwahara-Arai, Hideaki Hanaki, and Keiichi Hiramatsu.  REDUCED VANCOMYCIN SUSCEPTIBILITY IN MU50 IS DUE TO THE THICKENED CELL WALL AND ITS GLUTAMINE-NON-AMIDATED COMPONENT.  Denmark. 9th International Symposium on Staphylococcui and Staphylococcual Infections (ISSSI) 2000.6.14~17: P114.

45.  Longzhu Cui, Hiroko Murakami, Kyoko Kuwahara-Arai, Hideaki Hanaki, and Keiichi Hiramatsu.  Thickened   Cell    Wall   and   Its   Glutamine-non-amidated Component May Determine Vancomycin Resistance in Mu50.   第82回日本細菌学会関東支部総会。講演抄録 P8。(筑波)(1999-11-18

46.  崔 龍洙、花木秀明、大熊慶子、平松啓一。 血液によるTSST-1の誘導産生。 第44回ブドウ球菌研究会。講演抄録。(仙台)1999-09-11-17.  P19.

47.  崔 龍洙花木秀明、大熊慶子、平松啓一。 血液中で誘導産生されるTSST-1について。 第28回薬剤耐性シンポジウム(Proceeding of the 28th symposium on microbiol drug resistance, 26-27 August 1999, Minakami, Gunma, Japan)。講演抄録。p56-57.

48.  Longzhu Cui, Hideaki Hanaki, Keiichi Hiramatsu.  The prevcalence of highly virulent staphylococcus aureus strains in Japan.  J Antimicrob  Chemother 1999; 41(Suppl. A): 170,  21th International Congress of Chamotherapy.  Birmingham, UK, 4-7 July 1999.

49.  Longzhu Cui, Hideaki Hanaki and Keiich Hiramatsu: On the highly virulent staphylococcus aureus. 81回日本細菌学関東支部総会, 199962830:P39.

50.  HW Lee, YK Chu, LZ Cui and YD Woo.  Immune response of human volunteers vaccinated with Hataan-Puumala combined vaccine.  Scientific Program and Abstracts: American Society for Virology 15th Annual Meeting, July 13-17, 1996. P.157, W42-10. NY.

51.  Cui Longzhu, Yang Weisong and Zang Wenbin.  Pathogenic Role of Some Immunological Factors in Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome.  Abstracts:  Third Asian-Pacific Congress of Medical Virology. October 23-28, 1994, P.36. Beijing.

52.  Yang Weisong, Xu Haifeng, Bai Xuefan and Cui Longzhu.  Study of rat monoclonal antibodies against hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus. China-Japan Medical Conference Volume": 290, Novenmber 1-5,1992; Beijing.

53.  Cui Longzhu and Yang Weisong.  Studies of the metabolism of AA in patients with HFRS.  Abstracts 2nd.  International Conference on Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome, October 26-28, 1992, Beijing, China, P.108.

54.  Cui Longzhu, Xu Haifeng, Yang Wiesong. Analysis of antigen epitope recognizing by rat monoclonal antibodies against HFRS virus. Abstracts. 2nd International Conference on  Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal  Syndrome, October 26-28, 1992, Beijing, China, P.124.

55.  Cui Longzhu, Yang Weisong and Yang Fenyi.  The role of thromboxane A2 in the pathogenesis of HFRS.  Abstracts of International Conference on Medical Virus.  July 25 -27,1991:72.  Beijing, China.

56.  Cui Longzhu and Yang Fengyi.  Preliminary approach to variation of serum phospholipase A2 levels in HFRS.  Abstracts of International Conference on Medical Virus. July  25 -27,1991:77.  Beijing, China.



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