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Welcome one and all, in this version of my homepage I have tried to make the the format of the page a bit more organised and any of your suggestions and comments towards this are very welcome.

For those of you who don't know me before, let me run you the formal stuff. Yilkal Abate is my full name, and as you might have guessed, I am from Ethiopia. Born on January 25 1977, I have spent most of my life in the home land (17 years). The rest of the time I have been traversing myself into and out of countries where my schools were based. I have two brothers and one sister (the youngest in the family). My older brother is a lecturer at Arbaminch Water Technology Institute(Eth.) and I am the second. My other (notorious by nature) bro is still in high school and my sister is in elementary school. I am at the moment studying at the American International University in London (Richmond Univeristy) majoring in Computer Software Engineering and Mathematics.

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Other than that, click on the link of your choice from the left hand side column and explore the interiors of the site. Of course Simplicity in a Complex manner is what this page is all about.

Updating: The plan has it that this page will be updated every two weeks. During this time new feature will appear on the right column,essential format of the pages will be revised, more pictures inserted and some old ones rotated, new links to interesting sites will appear, I will also report on the recent stuff I have been upto in my life except ofcourse the personal personal bit. You are encouraged to sign the guest book and/or e-mail me at yabate@hotmail.com or alternatively at m029396@richmond.ac.uk

Go on crew, be relaying me your stories !!!


In his 1970 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Solzhenitsyn said:

"What seems to us more important, more painful, and more endurable is not really what is more important, more painful and more endurable but that which is closer to home.

Everything distant which for all its important moans and muffled cries, its ruined lives and millions of victims, that does not threaten to come rolling up our threshold today we consider endurable and of tolerable dimensions.".


"How happy is he born or taught,

That serveth not another's will,

Whose armour is his honest thought,

And simple truth his utmost skill, "

Sir  Henry Watton

Note: I will be featuring different words of worthy reading regularly on this column.

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