About Discussion Section in Doshisha Women's College ESS The most recent founder of Discussion Section is Ms. Masayo Narita, who joined this club in 1995.
She founded this section in 1996 with 15 freshmen, and Ms. Aya Tanaka who became Sub Chief in
Discussion Section. However, before them, it seems that we had Discussion Section several times,
but none of that lasted.
We are a very young section, which has consecutively only 4 years of history so far, but we believe
that this section will last, as long as we are capable enough to understand the importance of communication and logical thinking.

Annual Events of Discussion Section (The dates are based on '98)
March KESSA (Kansai ESS Association) Camp
Sakura Joint (sponsored by Kyoto University of Foreign Studies and University of Tokyo)
May Kyoto University Open Discussion
June Doshisha University Open Discussion
Discussion with Soul Women's University
Oct. Discussion For Freshman (at Konan University)
Joint Discussion with Japan Women's University
Nov. KESSA Open Discussion

Online Texts of '98 Discussion Activities (by '98 Discussion Chief)

The Theme of Discussion in '98 fall term for all Japan ESS (The theme, vocabulary, etc.)
--->in Japanese only

Joint Discussion with Japan Women's University (Timetable, questions for Discussion, etc.)
--->in English only

Summary of 1998's Discussion Activity (including Discussion with Soul Women's University, etc.)
--->in English
--->in Japanese

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