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Darla - 11/28/99 18:51:43
Job Title: Which one???
Favorite Sport's Team: Vikings, is there any other?
Favorite Hobby: Genealogy,Reading, Net surfing
Favortie Movie: Armageddon
Hi Cuz nice page! :)

dawn - 11/28/99 18:48:59
Dennis- You are one sick puppy!!! But then it must run in the family! Love from cuz dawn P.S. VIKINGS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!(just kidding)

11/17/99 19:11:40
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

- 10/11/99 02:51:30

Christy - 01/15/99 05:00:53
My Email:scuba210@hotmail.com
Job Title: student!!
Company Name: (still with the uni!)UWA
Favorite Hobby: SLEEP
Favortie Movie: Mirror Has Two Faces
Marital Status: Single BUT LOOKING!
Colourful page you have got here, simple but facinating,like this comment!..Well, keep up the good work and best wishes in the coming future mate!

Dennis - 11/29/98 05:50:18
My URL:http://users.uswest.net/~lokkende
My Email:lokkende@uswest.net
Job Title: Test Engineer
Company Name: Brand x
Favorite Sport's Team: Vikings
Favorite Hobby: snorkeling
Favortie Movie: star trek
Marital Status: window shopping
This is a really, really cool guestbook. why it is the coolest the neatest guestbook I've ever had the pleasure and privilige to sign. thank you so much for allowing me the honor of signing it.

- 10/31/98 15:35:43
Favorite Sport's Team: team x

- 10/31/98 15:35:12

Dennis Lokken - 10/31/98 15:30:56
My URL:http://www.users.uswest.net/~lokkende
My Email:lokkende@uswest.net
Job Title: Test Engineer
Company Name: Top Secret
Favorite Sport's Team: Vikings
Favorite Hobby: Hunting,Fishing
Favortie Movie: Star Trek III
Marital Status: Single
Address book -- Starting over again; due to Technical difficulties

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