1. “The consequences of commercialization of science”, Nauka i Naukovedenie,
no. 3, 1998
2. “Evaluation of Returns to Investment in Science”, in V. Mayevsky,
ed., Macroeconomic Aspects of the Formation of Social Market Economy,
Moscow: Institute of Economics, 1998.
3. L. I. Abalkin et al., “Social Priorities and Mechanisms of Economic
Transformation in Russia”, co-author, Voprosy Ekonomiki, no.6, 1998.
4. A.N. Nesterenko, L. Lykova, L. Degtyar, V. Pogrebinskaya and M.
Bunchuk, "Conceptual Foundations and the Historical Experience of the Development
of Social Market Economy", Ekonomist, no. 7, 1998.
5. “Development of Capitalism and the Cultural Factors of Social Life
in a Long Term Perspective”, in Yu. Yakovets, ed., Socio-Cultural Dynamics
in the Period of the Formation of Post-Industrial Society, Moscow:
International Kondratieff Foundation, 1998.
6. Chapter 10, "Macroeconomic Equilibrium and Determination of the
Aggregate Demand Level", in A.I. Arkhipov, A.N. Nesterenko and A.K. Bolshakov,
eds., Economics (textbook), Moscow: Prospekt, 1998.
7. "The Role of Venture Capital in Financing Small Innovative Enterprises",
Technology Business (on-line journal), no. 1, February 1999.
8. “The Informal Sector of the Venture Capital Market: Business Angels”,
Technology Business, no. 2, April 1999.
9. “How to Increase Supply of Venture Capital in Russia?”, Technology
Business, no. 3, July 1999.
10. “The Results of the Program “Development of Consulting Services
for Russian Small Innovative Enterprises” (with Olga Golishnikova), Technology
Business, no. 4, November 1999, forthcoming.
11. “A Survey of Internet Resources on Technology Business in Russia”,
Technology Business, no. 4, November 1999, forthcoming.
12. “Institutional and Evolutionary Theory as the Basis for a New Economics
of Science”, in V.Mayevsky, ed., Evolutionary Economics and the Mainstream,
Moscow: Russian Foundation for Humanities, forthcoming.
13. “Science as a Cultural Institution and the Economic Value of Science”,
in Proceedings of the EAEPE Conference in Prague, November 1999
(in English).
All publications are in Russian, unless otherwise indicated.