Name :                        JASON LIVERTON

D.O.B :                         April 2 1969

Facsimile :                    (07) 3345-9489

Email Address :            j_liverton@hotmail.com ; j_liverton@eudoramail.com ;  jason.liverton@student.gu.edu.au


Here are a few details about myself, I am 33 years old and live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. I also happen to be affected by Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which means I use an electric Wheelchair for my mobility. At present I am Completing a PhD in Leisure Management (GU Postgraduate Scholar) Through the Faculty Of Commerce & Management at Griffith University, Working part-time as an ArtsWorker : Project Consultant & Presenter for Access Arts Inc. & Developing Jason Liverton's Disability & Leisure Consultancy Service and maintaining its associated web page (http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lab/5515/). My Leisure interests Include Listening To Music (Live, Recorded) MY CDs , playing wheelchair Sports in the South-East Queensland Electric Wheelchair Sports, Spectating many sports, Computing (Computer Art, Surfing The Internet, Game Play) , reading books (Satire) and watching movies.


What is Muscular Dystrophy?

Muscular Dystrophy is a Neuromuscular disorder which results in muscle wastage. there are approximately 40 different Neuromuscular disorders. These genetic disorders can start to affect children, teenagers and adults, depending on the type of NMD it is. this disorder is usually diagnosed in early childhood, I was diagnosed at 4 years of age. Most children with DMD are wheelchair bound between the ages of 8 to 12, I was 12. Children usually still have strength in their arms, but it varies depending on the severity of the Condition. As the person gets older, the disease slowly progresses, eventually making it difficult to lift heavy objects. People with DMD generally have a shortened life span, again it depends on the severity.

Current Happenings (2002-)




Member of Disability Services Queensland’s -  Regional Disability Council, Brisbane Region since late  2000


Member of Sporting Wheelies & Disabled Sport & Recreation Association Of Queensland

·        Electric Wheelchair Sports  Management Committee : Committee Member


·        Member of the Brisbane Metropolitan team which Play Balloon Soccer & Power Hockey (New: U.S. Ice Hockey) in a  3 Team Competition (Brisbane Metropolitan, Brisbane North & Gold Coast) that is about to begin Meeting Monthly


Faculty Of Commerce & Management Griffith University Brisbane Qld Australia 4111

 This course is a four year part time postgraduate study with emphasis on research. Completion of a dissertation comprises the majority of assessment. This program of study is furthering my understanding of the leisure industry and provided me with a greater understanding of in this field. My analytical, evaluative, research and statistical, and written skills are of a very high standard. My specific area of research relates to an examination of serious leisure as a vocational option for people with physical disabilities.

Employment Experiences

Past Happenings

Academic Qualifications (1993-97)


Faculty Of Commerce & Management Griffith University Brisbane Qld Australia 4111

Major Study Areas : Therapeutic Recreation, Facility and Event Management, Tourism Planning and Development, Sport Management and Planning.

This course is a four year full time Bachelor degree with An emphasis on research which Has prepared me for professional career In leisure service delivery and management. My specific areas of specialisation include, the delivery of therapeutic (people with disabilities), touristic and sports oriented programs, event planning, and facility management. This program of study furthered my understanding of the leisure industry and provided me with a greater understanding of research and policy in this field. My analytical, evaluative, research and statistical, and written skills are of a very high standard. My specific area of research Related to the use of Computer Game Play as a facilitator of inclusive leisure participation for people with physical disabilities. High academic achievement at undergraduate level has provided me with entry into a post graduate PhD program.


Other Qualifications (1986-2001)

2001               Qld Volunteering                     Youth Leadership Course



1987-89         South Brisbane College of T.A.F.E        Associate Diploma in Business

                        Brisbane                                               (Computing) (75% complete)

 Study areas included applied computing (word processing, databasing, spreadsheeting, program design and development, programming), resource management, marketing and financial management.


1998   Access Arts Inc.                                                 Computer Art Workshop

QId College of Art (Griffith University)            



1994   Australian Sports Commission                           Coaching Athletes With Disabilities

            Brisbane                                                           Course (CAD) Wheelchair


1992   Mt. Gravatt College of T.A.F.E                        Japanese Certificate Course

            Brisbane                                                           (Beginners & Advanced)


1991   Mt. Gravatt College of T.A.F.E                        Creative Writing Certificate Course



1982-86 Corinda State High School                           Senior Certificate




LIVERTON, J. (2000) “Computer Game Play as a Potential Catalyst  for the Social Integration of People With High Physical Support Needs“ Journal Of Leisurability  (Vol. 27 No.2, 2000 Spring) 

LIVERTON, J. & Patterson, I. (1997) "A Study Into The Leisure Behaviour Of People With Neuromuscular Disorders" Australian Disability Review (Vol. 3, 97); ACHPER Action (Qld Div.) - Australian Council Of Health, Physical Education & Recreation                               

LIVERTON, J. " (1997) "The Use Of Integrated Computer Game Play To Increase The Perceived Leisure Competence And Perceived Leisure Control Of People With High Physical Support Needs" (Unpublished Dissertation) Griffith University (Mt. Gravatt Campus Library)

Academic Awards

1997               ACHPER (Qld Div.) - Australian Council Of Health, Physical Education & Recreation

Recipient of Student Research Merit Award

("A Study Into The Leisure Behaviour Of People With Neuromuscular Disorders")


General Affiliations & Awards

1999                Recipient of Rotary (Qld Div.)"Shine On Award" - For Outstanding Community Service By People             With Disabilities - Australia Wide


             (Nominated For - Voluntary Contributions Made To The Area's Of Wheelchair Sports Development For             People With Severe      Physical            Disabilities And The Imparting And Sharing Of Research Knowledge In         The Field Of Therapeutic Recreation.)


             (Nominated By - Centacare - Disability Care - Lifestyle And Accommodation Support Service And Queensland      Muscular Dystrophy Association)


1998               DIsability Access Week 1998 (July) Art Exhibition showcasing artists with a disability                                                  Computer Art Exhibitior ("Jilted Generation") Gallery Aesthete

Voluntary Consultation

1999-2001 National Electric Wheelchair Sports        Volunteer Project Consultant

                     (N.E.W.S)  2001 Tournament Committee  Developed Tournament Proposal

                       Brisbane Qld 4000


1998   Queensland Disability Coalition                      

1998   Queensland Muscular Dystrophy Association


2000-02 Disability Services Queensland

                Regional Disability Council, Brisbane Region

·         Council member


2002 Sporting Wheelies & Disabled Sport & Recreation Association Of Queensland

·         Electric Wheelchair Sports  Management Committee : Committee Member

·         Member


1999-2002     Queensland Advocacy Inc. (QAI)

1998-2002     Access Arts Inc.

1998                Queensland Disability Coalition

1997               ACHPER - Australian Council Of Health, Physical Education & Recreation

1995-2002     NICAN - National Recreation Association

1995-99         Ability Network

1987-98         Queensland Muscular Dystrophy Association

 1996-2001    Queensland Electric Wheelchair Sports (QEWS)

Student Representative

1997-98                     Griffith University - Disability Advisory Committee

1994-95                     Griffith University - School Of Leisure Studies Undergraduate Committee


Management Committee Representative


2002 Sporting Wheelies & Disabled Sport & Recreation Association Of Queensland

·         Electric Wheelchair Sports  Management Committee : Committee Member

·         Member

1996-97         Queensland Electric Wheelchair Sports (QEWS)

            Management Committee : Public Relations Officer

1996-97         Southside Rhinos (QEWS)

            Management Committee : Development & Public Relations Officer

            Squad Member / Coach

1991-95         Queensland Push N Power Sports Association Inc. Management Committee :

o        Development Officer & Founder (1991)

o        Secretary (1992-93; 1994-95)

o        Treasurer (1993-94)

1987-96         National Electric Wheelchair Sports (N.E.W.S)

o        Queensland Squad Member

o        Queensland Captain / Coach (1987-93)

o        Management Committee : Queensland Delegate (1987-93)

o        National Best & Fairest Player : Rugby League Grand Final (1991)

o        Queensland Best & Fairest Player (1988)

o        All Australian Representative (1988)

1992-4            Penrith Panthers Interstate Challenge

            (P&P Sports Associations Of Qld & NSW)

            Queensland Squad Coordinator / Captain / Coach

1992-5            Brisbane Rollers (NSW State Games)

            Brisbane Coordinator / Captain / Coach

1991   International Electric Wheelchair Sports Tournament

            Queensland Captain / Coach


Community Disability

2000-02 Disability Services Queensland

                Regional Disability Council, Brisbane Region

·         Council member


1992   Network Employment Services (NES)

            Management Committee : Client Representative

1993   Queensland Muscular Dystrophy Association

            Recreation Committee Member


Employment Experiences

Date     Employer                                              Job Title and Duties.

1998-2000     Access Arts Inc.                         ArtsWorker : Project Consultant & Presenter

                        Nundah Qld 4012                   "Interacting With People With Disabilities"

Training Program Awareness Workshops For The

Hospitality Industry : Mobility Disabilities Component

(Clients: students From the University of Queensland's Hospitality department /COTAH; & staff From Conrad's Treasury Casino; Qld Police; Access Arts Arts Workers)


1998   University Of Queensland                    Consultant Disability Educator

Occupational Therapy Department                

 & Catholic Social Response


1998   Queensland Disability Coalition                       Volunteer Consultant


1998-2000     Griffith University                                 Postgraduate Research Scholar (PhD)

School Of Leisure Studies                     GU Funded Researcher

Mt. Gravatt Campus               

Brisbane Qld 4111


1996   Queensland University Of                    Disability Consultant

            Technology                                          Advisory / Acting Role For A

            Media Studies Department                  Documentary                                      

            Brisbane Qld.                                                                          


1995   Brisbane City Council                           Senior Manager

            Major Venues Office                            Development Of A Venue Marketing Plan,                  Brisbane           Qld.                             Evaluation Of Venue Access (Disabled),                                                                                   Event Planning & Organisation, Completion                                                                             and presentation of reports

                                                                        (150 Hour : University Work Experience)                                


1994   Sporting Wheelies and Disabled         Recreation / Sports Officer

            Association of Qld.                               Programming and Leading Sports &               Brisbane Qld.                                       Recreational Experiences & Events For                                                                                     People With Disabilities. Completion

                                                                        and presentation of reports

                                                                        (165 Hour : University Work Experience)        


1995   McGregor State School                                    SEU Sports Coordinator

Special Education Unit                          Programming and Leading Sports Program                                                                For Students With Disabilities



1995   Gold Coast Recreation & Sport Inc.     Sports Development Consultant

            Gold Coast Qld.                                  Develop Sports Program For Children                                                                                                 With Disabilities



1993   Mt. Gravatt West Special School         Sports Development Consultant

                                                                        Develop Sports Program For Students                                                                                                 With Disabilities



1993-6            Griffith University                                 Presenter

            Student Services                                   Disability Workshop Panels

2000               Cenatholic Social Response                  Relief Administrator / Receptionist

            Southside Supported Accommodation  Front Desk Enquires, Telephone answering,                  Disability Lifestyle Service             Computer Data Entry, and Personnel                                                                                       Management (Interviewing, Rostering, Duty                                                                             Delegation & Training Of Personal Care                                                                               Attendants)


1991-6            Catholic Social Response                      Relief Administrator / Receptionist

            Southside Supported Accommodation  Front Desk Enquires, Telephone answering,                  Disability Lifestyle Service             Computer Data Entry, and Personnel                                                                                       Management (Interviewing, Rostering, Duty                                                                             Delegation & Training Of Personal Care                                                                               Attendants)


1988-96 Catholic Social Response                  Personal Lifestyle Manager

            Southside Supported Accommodation  Interviewing,Rostering, Duty Delegation &                   Disability Lifestyle Service             Training Of Personal Care Personnel



1986   Paraplegic & Quadriplegic                 Contract Labourer

            Association                                           Filing & Recording Statistical Data                  


1986   Brisbane City Council                           High School Work Experience

                                                                        Introduced to the operations of several

                                                                        council departments

You Are Visitor Number  Since 1 June, 1998