Training Course:

Quality Inclusive Service To The Public

Interacting With People With Disabilities Training Program





Access Arts commenced operations in 1983. We run creative an¢ innovative arts projects involving people with disabilities in Bris. bane and regional Queensland. Over the years, Access Arts has developed policies which protect and enhance our member' s rights This has enabled them to be provided with appropriate support to pursue their ambitions in the arts.


The results of this creativity can be found in galleries, parks, publications and performances. Perhaps the one key element, is the professional and artistic approach to the' arts and not a diluted "hobby" approach.


We are proud to present the 'Interacting with People with Dis­abilities' program to you as a demonstration of the practical ways to meet the needs of people experiencing disabilities. Just a tap on the shoulder can make all the difference. Advocacy is an important part of' Access Arts' work. We developed this program in response to the experiences of members who often found them­selves in situations where theywere discriminated against or did not receive appropriate service.


I congratulate your company for taking the initiative to adopt this program, thereby creating disability awareness and better service provision to the general public. The training course has been designed to facilitate and enhance service provision to your cus­tomers. The program targets employers and employees who assist customers with different abilities. Not only does the program advocate the rights of people with disabilities, it will also benefit customers from non-English speaking backgrounds, families and the elderly.


The program facilitates hands-on experience where, as a participant you will become aware of the challenges that a person with a disability encounters while leading an everyday lifestyle. We believe that while this presentation will be somewhat challenging, it will also be a fun, informative and rewarding experience. We have found that a major barrier to the integration of people with disabili­ties has been the lack of knowledge. Appropriate and confident service can be provided with this awareness and understanding.


Neal Price

Executive Director

Access Arts Inc.




In 1995, Access Arts was approached by Paul Morrison, Senior Lecturer in Hospitality Management at the Queensland university, Gatton Campus. The university sought to investigate ways to educate hospitality students in serving people with abilities. The project had two main aims: the first was to introduce students of the various disabilities and the kinds of needs people with disabilities may require. The second aim was observe how the students reacted to being confronted with real situations in tile hospitality industry involving people with disabilities. To encourage future awareness training for people with disabilities the following course was developed.


Purpose Statement


The course has been designed to facilitate and enhance inclusive service provision to all customers. Not only does the cou advocate the rights of people with disabilities, it responds anti-discrimination legislation and addresses many of the issues that surround people experiencing disability.


Synopsis of the course:


The course facilitates hands-on experience where, as a participant you will become aware of the challenges that a person with disability encounters. This presentation will challenge person perceptions, prejudices and stereotypical images of people wil disabilities. Although this will be confronting, it will also be fun, informative and a rewarding experience. The major barriers to the integration of people with different abilities has been but attitudinal and a lack of knowledge. Appropriate and correct service can be provided with this raised awareness and understanding.


Overall Aims of the course


The overall aim of the course 'Interacting with People with Disabilities' is to provide Quality Inclusive Service to the

Public. This will -


· develop awareness of a person's ability and worth within

          the broader community through the use of the Arts;

· enable Service Industries to be more accessible and

          user-friendly for, people with disabilities;

· Deconstructing misconceptions about disability and

   ·      reducing negative attitudes and fears by interacting with
          people with disability.


Target Group


The course targets employers and employees from service industries who assist customers with disabilities.


Recommended Mode of Delivery:


The nature of the course provides direct and intimate contact with people with disabilities. Research undertaken through a needs analysis, indicates that face to face delivery is nec­essary, beneficial and that experiential learning is more beneficial than through other modes of delivery.


Material Resources:


As we are still looking at ways of Simulating various  disabilities, the resources that are used will continue to be refined. Currently, material resources include:


Ramp, Wheelchair, visually impaired simulation kit. Booklet called A Way with Words, Booklet Interact with people with disabilities and Q!d Disability Factpack


Human Resource Requirements:




The nature of the program requires that direct contact with people with disabilities is provided. The facilitators come from a performing arts background. Selection was based on the individual's confidence in performing, the ability to boldly discuss their disability, and the ability to communicate with students.


For further information about the course contact information is on the back page.



Contact: Robert Plant (Project manager, Access Arts)



(07) 3260 6306




(07) 3266 1577


Email Address


email :accarts @


Access Arts lnc


1141 Sandgate Road Nundah 4012

P O Box 312 Nundah 4012

You Are Visitor Number  Since 25 November, 1999