Yup, I did, with a little help from my brother. Hey, some times it pays to have a brother who is a computer nerd (sorry, he prefers computer geek). This web site was basically created because I don't see all of you that often and since I really behind in my mailing, this is easier- but I still will get you all hard copies.
Oh, if you visited this site before and you notice a change in the background it's because I got bored with the old one.
I also wanted to give you all some more personal information about myself, some of which you may not know. Meet Larry
And as if you don't already know enough about me, here is yet more information about me.
And you know I'm just dying to tell you about what happened in the Grand Prix.
And Joe has been Nagging me about putting up a link to his page, so here:Joe's Page(are you happy now Joe?)
Now the real reason I created this page, a way to spread my newsletter, so here are...
I recently asked some of my friends if they had any questions that they would like to see me answer.
Chances are if you've read to here, you're really bored...so, check outThe official web page of boredom
And hey, they did give a free web page so, check out Geocities Homepage.
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And while you're here, do me a favor and let me know you were here, so in other words- PLEASE, PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!
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