(Thanks to yangz@solix.fiu.edu )
If you have an account on umbc8 or umbc7, you can set up your own Home Page now. (If you are not, please see here .) You can put whatever you like in your home page (pictures, sound, movies etc.). And your friends around the world will be able to visit your home page. Isn't that great? Here's how to set up your page in only 1 minute.
It looks so easy, right? You should use "chmod +rx *", each time you put a file or a sub-directory in this directory ("www").
Here is what you Home Page would looks like:
Ok now you are all set. The last thing you need to remember is your "URL address".
For example:
If your account name is account , your URL address should be http:/ /www.gl.umbc.edu/~account/ for umbc8 users or just chang umbc8 to umbc7 for umbc7 users. One day after you set up your Home Page, you can look here for umbc8 users or here for umbc7 users to find your name.
And if you want to creat a very neat Home Page, you need to read here .
After you finish you home page you may want to edit the ".Xdefaults" in your home directory. Add the follow line to ".Xdefaults".
Mosaic*homeDocument: your URL address
For example: If your URL address is http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~account. You add:
Mosaic*homeDocument: http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~account
This step is not necessary. It just tells Mosaic to use your home page as the start up Page (The default one is the NCSA home page).
You can set up your Home Page at any time you like, you do NOT need to let me know. You do NOT need me to create link for you. I am not responsible for anything you do on your home page. Of course, I will be glad to help you. And if you have any comments or suggestons, please feel free to sent Email to me.