Hello, Everyone! And WELCOME TO THE HOME (PAGE) OF THE CD CLASS OF '94 OR '98 (if we go by the graduation year).
How are you all doing? Working hard, I suspect, climbing up that ladder of success. Be sure to keep your priorities straight. Can't forget the lesson of the "Last Rung," eh Chikako?
As for me, life's busy but good. I've been juggling all kinds of projects these days -- dictionary work, textbooks, other publishing work, plus classes, new students who are now going through their 5-gatsu-byo, committee work, etc etc etc. And now Tokuro's got me writing for this Homepage of his!
Anyway, now that we have this Homepage, we can keep in touch. I'd like to hear how you're all doing out there. I heard that Tokuro advertised my e-mail address already (which I didn't know!), so e-mail me sometime and let me know how life's treating you, how work is going for you, etc.
In the meantime, you all take care, stay healthy, and ... Don't Worry, Be Happy!
Best wishes to you all -- Kenny Okimoto