Mathematics Project 10th Anniversary Celebration |
Please e-mail us at ?NYCMPwith your comments, suggestions, or questions. (Created by Nancy Hope Lowens 052198. Last updated 5/15//99) |
250 Bedford Park Blvd West Bronx NY 10468-1589 |
(718) 960-8758
FAX: (718) 960-8054 |
Dear Colleague:
The New York City Mathematics Project has prided itself in being an active and interactive resource to teachers of mathematics, K - 12, for a decade. Our coursework, workshops, and on-site consulting has always included a portion of time devoted to helping practitioners find the resources needed to carry out and enrich their instruction and thereby improve student learning.
This kind of assistance is often individual and supportive of individuals and groups of teachers in schools. In an effort to further help teachers, the Project decided to print a limited number of "Resource Guides" that might be helpful to more teachers. The document that you hold in your hand is a first attempt to make our knowledge more widespread.
We hope that you find valuable information that can help you as you plan your lessons. We would like to update the information over time - eliminate unnecessary information, add resources that will further help you, and make corrections where necessary. To this end we would like you to look at this document for some time and then give us some feedback.
We wish you the best in your career and hope that we can continue to be of assistance to you.
Ray Durney, Director
Origins: The New York City Mathematics Project, a part of the Institute for Literacy Studies at Lehman College, grew out of the California Mathematics Project. It held its first summer institute in 1988 for 13 teachers to improve the teaching of mathematics. Today more than 600 teachers of mathematics, K-12, have participated in workshops and seminars offered by the NYCMP.
What It Does: The goal of the The New York City Mathematics Project is to help teachers understand critical mathematical concepts and find appropriate and meaningful teaching strategies that help improve student learning in mathematics. A variety of approaches such as: creating environments for teachers to explore risk-free support teachers and schools in their efforts to improve student achievement contribute to teacher inquiry and classroom-based research in the teaching of mathematics develop teacher understanding of the concepts in mathematics content
How It Works: Based on the central principle of teachers teaching teachers, the NYCMP offers the following professional development: summer institutes in mathematics content and pedagogy including alternative assessment tuition-waived in-service courses in the teaching of mathematics on-site school year consultation technical assistance to teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, parents, etc. after-school and Saturday workshop sessions, and curriculum specialists in the development of mathematical literacy for schools and districts.
Impact of Program: Our various programs are designed to accomplish different goals. There are programs for teachers who wish to extend their knowledge of content and at the same time explore the variety of approaches in teaching the content. Some programs deal with developing leadership among teachers who already understand fully the concepts required in the content and wish to pursue a "leadership" role as a resource person within their school or district. Recognizing that change takes time we have been most successful when we have been engaged with teachers and schools for an extended period of time. Our staff are experienced staff developers, all of whom are licensed and certified New York City teachers of mathematics.
Funding: The New York City Mathematics Project has enjoyed substantial funding over the past years which has allowed us to provide basic and extended services and activities to teachers, schools, and districts. Our funding includes the National Science Foundation, the New York City Board of Education, the Greenwall Foundation, the Ford Foundation, DeWitt Wallace-Readers Digest Fund, and the Aaron Diamond Foundation.
The United Federation of teachers (UFT) and the New York City Public Schools agree that as a new teacher you are entitled to support as soon as you begin. The New Teacher Staff Development Program provides a stipend (as of April 1, 1995) of approximately $27 per day (or six hours) to cover expenses. This stipend will be paid to you when you complete the program.
If you have any questions regarding the program, you can call or write:
New Teacher Staff Development Program
131 Livingston Street, Room 213
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(Note: One day is considered 6 hours and
For all categories of new teachers, the number of hours listed includes
the summer pre-service workshops.)
Teacher with three or more years of approved
outside teaching experience (Call New Staff Development program for affidavit
to certify prior service.)
Certified Provisional Teacher (CPT) includes licensed Board of Education
Preparatory Provisional Teacher (PPT)
Three days (18 hours)
5 days [30 hours] the requirements is: 4 days [24 hours] for those CPTs hired in April
or May and 3 days [18 hours] for those hired in June.)
The number of days you must complete will depend on when you were hired. September - 10 days [60 hours] October/November -7 days [42 hours] December/January - 6 days [36 hours] February/March - 5 days [30 hours] April/May - 4 days [24 hours] June - 3 days [18 hours] |
OF NEW YORK STATE has on-line membership
Membership Application
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has on-line choices for membership type, member publication selections, and their catalog
Membership entitles teachers to many discounts on regional and national NCTM conferences as well as discounts on supplies and materials in the NCTM catalog. Individuals may join for $45 annually, or institutions for $50 annually. A choice of four subscriptions is given to new members:
Arithmetic Teacher, Mathematics Teachers, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education or Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Department M, 1906 Association Dr.. Reston, VA 22091,800/235-7566
"Assessing Higher Order Thinking in Mathematics," edited by Gerald Kulm. Review by Gilah Leder in the Journal for Research In Mathematics Education (May 1991): 252-56.
"Assessing Students' Learning to. Inform Teaching: The Message in NCTM' s Evaluation Standards by Alba G. Thompson and Diane J. Briars. Arithmetic Teacher (December 1989): 22-26.
Assessment Alternatives in Mathematics: An Overview of Assessment Techniques that Promote Learning, by Jean Kerr Stenmark. 1989. EQUALS, Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, Attn: Assessment Booklet. (ISBN 0-912511-54-0)
"Assessment of a Problem-centered Second-Grade Mathematics Project," by Paul Cobb, et al. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. (January 1991): 3-29.
Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Reston, Va.: The Council, 1989. (ISBN 0-87353-273-2)
"Evaluation: A New Vision," by Frank K. Lester, Jr., and Diana Lambdin Kroll. Mathematics Teacher (April 1991): 276-83.
Focus Issue on Assessment: Feb.1992 Arithmetic Teacher.
Highlights of Research Activities In Mathematics Education, 1991. Research
Advisory Committee. Single copies available on request from NCTM Departments while supply lasts.
"Mathematics Assessment Process for Middle Grades Pilot Project," by Ellen Pechman and Sigrid Wagner, 1990. Catalyst Project,, Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, North Carolina State University. 315 Poe Hall, Raleigh, NC 27695-7801; (919) 515-2013.
National Research Center on Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing, University of California-Los Angeles, Center for the Study of Evaluation, 145 Moore Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1522; (213) 206-1530.
Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Reston, Va.: The Council, 1991. ( ISBN 087353-307-0)
Science Assessment in the Service of Reform, by Gerald Kulm and Shindeh M. Malcolm. AAAS Books, P.O. Box 753, Department A43, Waldorf, MD 20604; (301) 645-5643. (ISBN 0-87168-426-5)
Mathematics Assessment. Myths, Models, Good Questions, and Practical Suggestions. Student Assessment Mathematics Project teacher resource book. NCTM.
MCTP Assessment Kit. Mathematics Curriculum Teaching Program. Kit and videotapes. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Reston, VA. 1991.
Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the 1990s. 1990 Yearbook of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by Thomas J. Cooney. Reston, Va.: The Council, 1990. (ISBN 0-87353-285-6)
Association of Mathematics Teacher of New Jersey Problem Solving Activities to N-Joy. Monograph No. 1, c/o Thomas Hooper, Bloomfield Public Schools
Beardslee, Edward, Funtastic Calculator Math. Enrich Inc.
Brosseau, Alfred Mathematics Contest Problems. Creative Publications.
Burns, Marilyn The Book of Think. Creative Publications.
Burns, Marilyn The I Hate Mathematics Book! Creative Publications.
Carosh, Mannis (ed) Mathematical Challenges. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Cook, Marcy Think About It. Creative Publications.
Dynkin, E.B. Mathematical Problems Anthology. Gordon and Breach.
Fisher, Lyle Super Problems. (Junior High) Dale Seymour Publications.
Fisher, Lyle and Medigovich, William Problem of the Week. (Junior-Senior High). Dale Seymour Publications.
Forsthoefel, John Utilizing Problem Solving in Math. DOK Publishers, Inc.
Gardner, Martin Aha, Insight! Dale Seymour Publications.
Greenes, Carole, Spungin, Rita and Dombrowski, Justine, Problem-Mathematics. Creative Publications.
Greenes, Carole R., Wilicut, Robert E. and Spikell, Mark A. Problem Solving in The Mathematics Laboratory . Prindle, Weber, and Schmidt.
Immerzell, George and Ockenga, Earl, Calculator Activities for the Classroom Books 1 and 2. Creative Publications.
Krulik, Stephen and Rudnik, Jesse Problem Solving - A Handbook for Teachers. Allyn and Bacon.
Lane County Mathematics Project 1983 Problem Solving in Mathematics. Individual Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6. Dale Seymour Publications.
New York State Education Department, Creative Problem Solving. Bureau of Curriculum Department
O'Brien, Thomas C. Solve It. Books 1-5. Educational Teaching Aids.
Salkind, C. T. The Contest Problem Book.. Vol. I - III Creative Publications.
Seymour, Dale et al., After Math Books I - IV Creative Publications.
Seymour, Dale Favorite Problems. Dale Seymour Publications
Sobel, Max A. and Maletsky, Evan M. Teaching Mathematics: A Sourcebook of Aids. Activities and Strategies. Prentice-Hall.
Souviney, Randall J. Solving Problems Kids Care About. Goodyear Publishing Company.
Weiland, Linnea 1985 Improving Mathematical Problem Solving Skills in the Middle Grades: A Staff Training Manual. Division of Compensatory/Bilingual Education, New Jersey State Department of Education
Yagiom and Yaglom 1967 Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elementary Solutions. Holden-Day.
(Sources Office of the Superintendent of
Bronx High Schools. Joseph N. DeJesus, Superintendent)
Afflack, Ruth. Beyond Equals (Women in Mathematics). Carnegie Corporation, 1982
Bureau of Curriculum Development, Problem Solving, Albany, N.Y.: The State Education Department, 1984.
Bureau of Mathematics Education, Mathematics Syllabi - all grades and curricula. The State Education Department, 1988.
Cohen, E. G. & Benton, J. "Making Groupwork Work", American Educator. 1988, 10-17, 45-46.
Cohen, E. G., Designing Groupwork. New York: Teachers College Press, 1986.
Cornett, C. and Cornett, C. Reading Math. Walch Publications, 1970.
Curcio, F. R. (Ed.). Teaching and Learning: A problem-solving focus. Reston, VA. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1987.
Dirkes, M.A. Writing Activities to Develop Mathematical Thinking. New York, Trillium Press, 1983.
Edeen, John and Edeen, Susan. Portraits For Classroom Bulletin Boards Mathematicians Book 2. Dale Seymour.
Erickson, Tim. Get It Together. Math Problems for Groups - Grades 4 - 12. Dale Seymour.
Gardner, Martin. Mathematics - Magic and Mystery. Dover Publications, 1956.
Gartner, Martin, Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers. Archway Paperback Pocket Books, 1969.
Greenes. Carol and Immersell, George. Trivia - A Problem Day Math. Creative Publications. 1986.
Gueslin, W. E. "Using Writing About Mathematics as a Teaching
Technique" Mathematics Teacher. 1977, 70, 112-115.
Jacobs, Harold. Mathematics- A Human Endeavor. W. H. Freeman
and Company, 1982.
Johnson, D. & et al. Circles of Learning. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1988.
Johnson, David R. Every Minute Counts - and its sequel. Dale Seymour, 1982 & 1986.
Johnson, M. L. "Writing in Mathematics classes: A Valuable Tool for Learning". Mathematics Teacher, 1983, 76. 117-119.
Kennedy, B. "Writing Letters to Learn Math", Learning. 1985, 126-127.
Lester, F. K. & Garogalo, J. (Eds.). Mathematical Problem Solvina: Issues in Research. Philadelphia: The Franklin Institute Press, lc-82.
Lorayne, Harry. Miracle Math. Executive Research Institute, 1966.
Nahrgang, C.L. & Peterson, B. 'Using Writing to Learn Mathematics", Mathematics Teacher. 1986, 79, 461-465.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. An Agenda for Action: Recommendations for School Mathematics of the 1980's. Reston, VA: Author, 1987.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Developing Computational Skills. 1978 Yearbook.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Problem Solving in School Mathematics. 1980 Yearbook of the NCTM. Reston, VA: Author 1980.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics. 1989.
National Research Council. Everybody Counts. A Report to the Nation on the Future of Mathematics Education. National Academy Press, 1989.
Newman, Claire M. Quantitative Literacy Series. (Exploring Probability Art and
Techniques of Simulation Exploring and Information from Samples Exploring Data). Dele Seymour, 1988.
Serra. Michael. Discovering Geometry, An Intuitive Approach. Key Curriculum Press, 1989.
Slavin, R. E. "Cooperative learning". Review of Educational Research. 1980, 50, 315-339.
Stenmark, Thompson, Cossey. Family Math. EQUALS, Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley, California. 1986.
Tobias, Sheila. Overcoming Math Anxiety. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1978.
Whimbey, A. & Lochhead, J. Problem Solving & Comprehension. Hillside, N.J.: Lawrence Eribaum Associates, 1986.
Abbott, Edwin A
Berger, Dionys Davis, Philip & Reuben Hersh Gardner, Martin Gardner, Martin Halmos, Paul R. Infeld, Leopold Kanigel, Robert Kline, Morris
Paulos, John Allen Paulos, John Allen Polya, George Reid, Constance
Reid, Constance Steen. Lynn Arthur (Ed.)
Steen, Lynn Arther Sved, Marta Taylor, Harold & Loretta
Spherehead The Mathematical Experience Mathematical Carnival
I Want to Be a Mathematician Whom the Gods Loved
lnnumeracy Beyond Numeracy How to Solve It Courant in Gottingen and New York Hilbert
From Zero to Infinity On the Shoulders of Giants
Mathematics Today Journey into Geometries George Polya, Master of Discovery |
Dover Publication
Harper & Row Birkhauser-Boston
Alfred A. Knopf Alfred A. Knopf Scribner's
Hill and Wang
Doubleday Mathematical Sciences Ed. Bd. Springer-Veriag |
0-06-463574-0 3-7643-301 8-X
0-394-49406-7 0-394-50207-8 0-88385-445-7 0-87353-125-6 0-684-19259-4
0-88385-505-4 0-309-04234-8 0-337-90305-4 0-88185-500-3 0-86651-611-5
Mathematician | Country of Birth-Death |
Eric Temple
Birkhoff, Garrett. Son of GD Cantor, Arthur Courant, Richard Dec kind, Richard Dodgson, Charles Godel, Kurt Hardy, Godfrey Hopper, Grace Kemeny. John George Klein, Christian Felix Lindemann, Carl Louis Ferdinand Mosteller, Frederick vonNeumann, Johann Noether, Amalie "Emmy" Peano, Giuseppe Polya, George Robbins, Herbert Ellis Whitehead, Alfred North Wiener, Norbert |
Scotland 1883 -California 1960
USA 1884-1944 Princeton, NJ 1911 - 1996 Holland 1881-1966 Russia-Germany 1845-1918 Russia 1888 - New Rochelle, NY 1972 Germany 1831-1916 England 1832-1898 a.k.a. Lewis Carroll Austria 1906-USA1978 England 1877-1947 Prussia 1862- Germany 1943 NYC 1906 -Arlington, VA 1992 Budapest 1926- Germany 1949-1925 Norway 1842-1899 Germany 1852-1939 Warsaw 1924- W. Virginia 1916- Budapest 1903- Princeton, NJ 1 957 Germany 1882 - Bryn Mawr, PA 1935 Italy 1858-1932 Budapest 1887 - Palo Alto, CA 1985 India 1877-1920 New Castle, PA 1915- England 1834-1923 England 1861 - Cambridge, MA 1947 Columbia, MO 1894- Stockholm 1964 |
Please note that this list represents only a few of the resources available
to teachers of mathematics and science. The list is not intended to be
an endorsement of any company or product. If you think there is a worthwhile
company that should be listed, let us know.
Company | Telephone | Internet Address | ||
Creative Publications
Key Curriculum Press Delta Education Dale Seymour Cuisenaire ETA NASCO AIMS National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
1-888-MATH FUN
1-800-995-MATH 1-800-442-5444 1-800-417-1100 1-800-237-3142 1-800-445-5985 1-800-558-9595 1-888-733-2467 1-800-235-7566
| |
History of Mathematics includes mathematician
biographies, chronologies and more.
This site focusing on Women in Mathematicians is a pleasant
Stories and activities for K,12-students, presented
by Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Plane Math features cool things about math and aeronautics. Learning About Education Through Statistics provides data for education. Interactive Mathematics Online. The Fractory teaches all about fractals. Eric's Treasure Trove of Mathematics: excellent reference. Project ARISE details a mathematics pilot program, where all math is taught with a real-world context Math-Mania has won several awards, includes sections on knots, graphs, sorting networks, finite state machines and more. http://www.csr.UVic.CA/~mmania/ Mathematics Lesson Database
PBS Math line: elementary,
middle and high school math projects.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Web site. The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math: an interactive Q&A. The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for mathematics and science education. The Geometry Center includes Java applications. The Mathematics Archives are classified into five main categories and searchable. The Math Forum Home Page. The Midwest Mathematics and Science Consortium (MSC) provides Web sites for support. Mathematics WWW Virtual Library
IMP information and support Core Plus information and support College Prep Math Program information and support |
Excellent site for educators,
with links to over 2,000 Web resources for classroom use.
Los Alamos National Laboratory's Science and Technology Page. Health finder is a consumer health and human services information web site from the government. |
Bill Nye The Science Guy!
Hands-On Science Centers Worldwide. The Natural Gas Information and Educational Resources site. Science Learning Network. |
SCIENCE | Biology/Chemistry |
Whale Net is packed with information,
cool activities and tons of resources.
The Bio QUEST Curriculum Consortium supports educators interested in the reform of undergraduate biology. Access Excellence gives high school biology critical sources of new scientific information over the Net. Eric's Treasure Trove of Chemistry, an excellent. reference guide. The Chem 101 Home Page tries to keep a Fun perspective Inner Body (Human Anatomy) On-line is fun and easy to use,with nice graphics and anatomy lessons. |
Access Excellence is an instructional
biology site, with biotechnology information and more.
CELLs Alive! looks good, contains tons of cool stuff. Yuckiest Site on the Internet: Bug World, Worm World and more. Evidence: The True Witness -- Visitors find what it takes to become a forensics scientist and read interviews with real-life scientists in the field. This ThinkQuest site was voted science site of the year. Marine Sciences, Interactive projects and more. |
SCIENCE | Earth/Environmental |
EE-Link: an in-depth site helping
educators explore environmental education on the Web.
Edu-Source. Environmental Resources for Education, download dozens of free posters or read about suggested outdoor activities for kids. Volcano World
Arctic Circle Region, an in-depth look at social and environmental concerns. Scripps' Oceanographic & Earth Science Institution's Directory for the Web. Zoom in on any part of the World
A few Computer Animations of Geological
including volcano animations
Seismic Activity Project. Locate recent seismic activity worldwide along with general and local maps. GLOBE, where students, teachers and scientists worldwide work together for environmental education. GIS (Geographic Information Systems): all about it for education. The GEO Mysteries Project, an environmental education project involving schools worldwide. |
SCIENCE | Physics |
Physics 2000 is an interactive journey through modern
physics! Visual and conceptual 20th Century science and high-tech
Optics for Kids explains properties of light in kid-oriented ways. |
A Century of Physics. A timeline of the 20th century.
Science and Engineering Network News, links to online journals, software archives, image databases and more. Electromagnetic Spectrum: a quick brief.
SCIENCE | Space Sciences |
National Space Society
Space News in an independent newsweekly of the international space community. The Project Galileo Home Page: Bringing Jupiter to Earth. Astrophysics: the Life of; a Star. |
The Educational Space
Simulations Project.
SETA, Space Environments and Technology Archive System, provides access to SET resources. Windows to the Universe presents astrology and space science in a near atmosphere. The Space Science Hot list, from the Franklin Institute | includes telephone
directories for U.S. and foreign listings.
Alta Vista indexes 31 million pages found on 627,000 servers Big Book indexes businesses. Excite derives summaries of pages based on dominant themes. HotBot exploits parallel processing http://www.hotbot.corn/ |
Lycos, named after Lycosidae,
ground spiders that catch their prey by pursuit.
Meta Crawler searches many engines simultaneously. Research-It! is perfect for researching in many different fields. Search.Com Shareware.Com lets you find shareware fast and easy. Infoseek offers free personal news services. |
Worksheet and search tips for
students to practice using search engines
Xplore connects you to 500 of the "best" Web sites. Switchboard is a people and business directory. WebCrawler has a new look. We can't leave out Yahoo. Let your K-12 students use Yahooligans! The World Wide Web Virtual Library is a distributed subject catalog on a Myriad of topics, bigger than you can imagine. |