I picked up a few Dos manuals, and dos ref books, im going to
check out the local library [its BIG] and proberly get more
info, but i think i have enough right now. It may take a few
weeks to get it all online, but it will be done eventualy.
Start here
Well heres how to make .bat files,
Use any TEXT editor, like notpad [in windows] or in dos, at
any prompt type EDIT, that will let you modify/creat bat
Echo is in a sence the PRINT of batch files.[but it does more]
Try out this simple example.
CLS 'Clears the screen of all content
echo My name is {Type your name}
Now save it as Name.bat, and click it, or type name
It will print something like this
My name is John Doe
My name is John Doe
Because ECHO is set-on by default! so to make it print
something like this,
My name is John Doe
the name.bat must look like this,
echo My name is {Type your name}
Since ECHO is now OFF, it wont "echo" [repeat] what you type!
when you put an @ infront of something, I belive it wont print
it to the screen!
Thats why you should type @ECHO OFF not ECHO OFF, it looks
better and is garenteed to work!