Gamma Sigma
Chapter History
It was an early Thursday morning at about 2:00am when a man by the name of Kevin McNeil was lying in his room with the vision of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. embedded in his head. Knowing very little about the fraternity, he went to his computer and searched the internet for any information that would assist him in learning more about the organization that he had so deeply thought about. After hours of searching and the gathering of very useful information, he picked up the phone and called on of his close friends. In the conversation with his friend he explained to him that he was up without reason thinking about Iota Phi Theta and in result he started researching the fraternity. After hi friend realized that he was serious, he told his friend that he was going to bring Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. to the Southwest Missouri State University Campus. After hearing from his friend that it was a good idea, he hung up the phone and researched into the night.
Kevin was a student at Southwest Missouri State University who wanted to join a fraternity that would best fulfill his needs. Those needs were ones that were clearly stated in the Iota Phi Theta purpose. At that particular time the current Greek organizations on the yard could not give him what he wanted. After several more weeks of research and talking to other Iota men, he realized that Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. was exactly what he wanted. After conversing with several brothers on the Southwest Missouri State campus, he found three other brothers who also had the same ideas and goals that he had. After all of the logistics were taken care of the four of them were ultimately put in contact with the brothers at the University of Kansas Colony Chapter at Lawrence. Under the direction of Bro. Dion Jones “HoneyBrown”, the four centaurs crossed the burning sands on April 4, 1998. That night was the beginning of something new, something special at Southwest Missouri State University. The men aboard the first Iota Ship, which was labeled “I.S. The PHInal Four”, on the Southwest Missouri State University yard stood tall and proud under the names “Captain Initiator”, “The Jester”, “Mr. Impossible”, and “Anchor Quiet Riot”.
It was from that day forth that the desire to bring the brotherhood of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. to the Southwest Missouri State University campus began to be fulfilled.
#1 Kevin McNeil "Captain Initiator"
#2 Jossie Gallizia "The Jester"
#3 Michael Webb "Mr. Impossible"
#4 Brandon McConnell "Anchor Quiet Riot"
Better Known As "I.S. The PHInal Four"