The History Of

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.

"Building a Tradition...Not Resting Upon One."


The 1960's were a decade of change. The country as a whole and African-Americans in particular were challenging existing norms. The founding brothers of Iota Phi Theta personified these provocative and thoughtful changes. This quote from former Grand Polaris, Arkley Johnson is reflective of the time:

"Each man, though one among many men, is still very much himself-with or without Iota Phi Theta. The concepts of a fraternity, especially a Black fraternity, cannot be reconciled without thorough consideration of this creed. The struggle must continue and Black organizations must recognize the roles they play in unifying and teaching."

It was this perspective that led to the founding of Iota Phi Theta and the establishment of it's purpose;

"The development and perpetuation of Scholarship, Leadership, Citizenship, Fidelity, and Brotherhood among Men of Color."

There were 12 great founders of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. These 12 great men are Bro. Albert Hicks, Bro. Lonnie Spruill, Jr., Bro. Charles Briscoe, Bro. Frank Coakly, Bro. John Slade, Bro. Barron Willis, Bro. Webster Lewis, Bro. Charles Brown, Bro. Louis Hudnell, Bro. Charles Gregory, Bro. Elias Dorsey, Jr., and Bro. Michael Williams.

The founders understood that to congregate within the framework of an organization yet be allowed to maintained one's individuality is fundamental to the Black race. From this, they felt that the preservation of one's individuality should be a basic tenet of any organization which would exist to benefit the African-American condition.

Iota Phi Theta was founded on September 19, 1963, at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. The 12 founders of Iota were unique because, for the most part, they were 'non-traditional' students. Most were 3 to 5 years older than the average college student. Some were married, some were service veterans, and some were holding full-time jobs in addition to their academic pursuits. Because of their increased level of maturity and experience, their vision of the concept of 'fraternity' was much different than the prevailing norm at the time. Iota Phi Theta was born out of their desire to consummate this vision.


Today, Iota Phi Theta exists as nationally incorporated social/service fraternity which continues to remain true to the original aims of its founders. While the fraternity's membership is comprised primarily of African-Americans, membership is not restricted by race, creed, or national origin. The fraternity consists of over 100 undergraduate and alumni chapters with nearly 15,000 members located in 17 states and the District of Columbia. The fraternity colors are Charcoal Brown and Gilded Gold. The fraternity motto is "Building a Tradition...Not Resting Upon One."

As Iota has grown, it has endeavored to maintain a standard of excellence and leadership on campus and in the community. Individual chapters involve themselves in activities that allow members the opportunity to give of themselves and enrich the lives of others. A partial listing of involvements undertaken by Iota Phi Theta chapters includes:

*The Southern Christian Leadership Conference
*The National Federation of the Blind
*The National Sickle Cell Foundation
*The United Negro College Fund
*Big Brothers of America
*Project IMAGE

While this list is by no means exhaustive, it highlights the type of community involvement and spirit that exists within the Iota Phi Theta brotherhood.

Additionally, Iota Phi Theta is a member of the National Interfraternity Conference (NIC). The NIC is an international organization consisting of over 60 national fraternities with a combined membership of over six million individuals. As a member of the NIC, Iota Phi Theta is able to directly affect issues of importance to the fraternal community at large.


As times change, so shall Iota Phi Theta. The last several years have brought new difficulties and challenges to the fraternity world. As always, Iota has sought to meet these challenges head-on. Recently the entire fraternity system revamped its method of initiating members by eliminating the tradition of 'pledging.' Iota Phi Theta was at the forefront of this movement and has developed a Brotherhood Intake Program which has become the standard of comparison on many college campuses. In addition, Iota Phi Theta has been a catalyst in the movement to promote greater harmony and respect among the various fraternal organizations.

As we continue to grow and strengthen, so will our commitment to make meaningful contributions to society in general with particular emphasis in the African-American community.

Our plans for the future include:
*The creation of a National Philanthropic Foundation
*Centralizing our efforts toward a single, national Program of Service to the community.
*An increased focus on the training and development of our members.

Throughout America, Iota Phi Theta has come to represent excellence in all areas. We are and shall remain dedicated to our founders' vision of "Building a Tradition...Not Resting Upon One!"

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