6 Different Headers: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
<H1>Heading #1</H1>
This is +3 This is -1
Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence
Horizontal Reference
I say that because many people scoff at the notion that they can actually
learn this new Internet Language. I'm still amazed that the best selling
line of computer books calls its readers "Dummies".
Shortcut to Website
Write to Lawrence Resubal
text text text text text
Nested Bullets and Numbering
<FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="32demo.map"> <INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC="/wsdocs/32demo/images/imapdemo.gif"> </FORM>
1. The traditional way is to use the ISMAP element within an image tag,
then enclose it with a link to the image mapper.
2. Another way to make an image map uses an obscure but useful feature
of HTML forms. Create an input field of type IMAGE within a form whose
execution target is the image mapper. Forms can use either the GET or POST
method, but file-based image maps require using GET.