Welcome to my Guestbook!

Babette Eaton - 10/15/00 00:59:31
My Email:eaton.47@osu.edu
School: Ohio State University
Area of Special Interest/Study: Hearing Conservation

Hi Jenn, It's been awhile since I've heard anything on the mailing list. I'm getting ready to begin taking my Candidacy Exams (General Exams)this Monday. Yikes! Anyone else "been there done that"? Any encouragement is welcome! -Babette

Tina - 09/03/99 01:12:41
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/smilintina
My Email:smilintina@aol.com
School: Washington University
Area of Special Interest/Study: Audiology

Jennifer--- nice page, though I would not restrict your list to just Doctoral Level students. There are plenty of Masters level and even a few undergrads out there I presume who are involved in Research. Good luck with your program!

- 01/27/99 22:38:19


Paul Dybala - 12/31/98 05:00:35
My URL:http://www.searchwave.com
My Email:dybala@audiologyinfo.com
School: UT @ Dallas
Area of Special Interest/Study: Audiology

Hello, just kicking the tires and giving a plug for my Search Engine - Searchwave - The Search Engine for Audiology and Hearing Loss

10/14/98 03:15:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

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