23 Feb 1999 : Rock show by th group Ezee Meat on 28 Feb at 2000 hrs in the college campus as a part of Aakriti '99.Click here :www.aakriti99.com for more details.
21 Feb 1999 : Fasten your seat belts for the most talked about event in AIT - Aakriti '99 the inter college fest being held from 26 to 28 Feb '99 .Click here :www.aakriti99.com for more details.
08 Feb 1999 : AIT beat NDA 3-2 in the inter college squash tournament and emerged as the winners once again.
06 Feb 1999 : Preperation in full swing for the first inter college fest being held at AIT - Aakriti 99 .Please contact the college for more information at these phone nos.
30 Jan 1999 : Gen B C Joshi Quiz was held at AIT with AFMC emerging as the winners . COEP ranked second .
26 Jan 1999 : AIT was ranked First in Verve 99 held at MIT , Pune. About 144 colleges took part in the event which was sponsored by Pepsi , Indian Express and Channel [V] . This came a day after AIT won the Silhouttes 99 fest held at AFMC .
It may be remembered that we were runner ups in Verve 97.
25 Jan 1999 : AIT won the overall trophy in Silhouttes 99 held at AFMC.
22 Jan 1999 : Our first year result ( FE ) was declared today which again was among the best in Pune University with our topper Rajinder Singh scoring about 81%
22 Jan 1999 : AIT performed quite well again in Silhouttes '99 held at AFMC with AIT bagging three first prizes in - Choreography , Dumb Charades and Quiz .
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