The University of Miami

Entrance on Stanford Drive (May, 1999)

I must say, this second year has gone by very fast. I was challenged a bit in courses which I have never done before, like Management and Finance, but I still maintain that the work is not as hard as what I did for A-levels. I managed to get my first B grade in a course, damn Geography, but that eh my major, so I doh care. Mind you, I made up for it this last semester so that my GPA is back up to where it is supposed to be. Now I am finally on the President's HonoUr roll. I used to tell people that my major is Management, but I picked Economics as a major after my interest was rekindled by Economics courses. I also took up a second major, International Finance and Marketing, so that I now have a sense of where I want to go in the people school. Doh ask where I going AFTER.

Aerial view of lake Osceola I am no longer the treasurer of the T&T club, but merely a member. Caribbean Day this year was a huge success and it climaxed with a performance by Alison Hinds and Square One. All the Caribbean people got together to produce a fantastic display. That was the highlight of the last year. The usual Trini night every month at SPIRITS provided some level of fun as well.

I was originially told that after spending my first year in the States, my homesickness will wear off. BULL TA-TA !!! This year I went home for Christmas, Spring Break and for a week at the beginning of May and leh mih tell yuh, I think the homesickness intensifies with each visit home. I don't care if you don't agree or understand, T&T is just a far better place to be. Reasons for my thinking so are too much to put here. If you are supposed to know my reasons, I would have told you already. But I have survived two years so far, so I can survive a few more, right?

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