Trinidad and Tobago flag

Me This is my little space where I mainly put photos of me with the people, and in places, that are special to me. It is mainly for my own amusement, but also to embarrass those depicted herein.

I just graduated from the University of Miami, receiving a BBA with a double major: (i) International Finance & Marketing and (ii) Economics. Photos from the gala event are in the album below. I previously attended Queen's Royal College in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

(This is now way outdated, but will preserve the fond memories of the years I spent at university. DMA Jan '04)


My QRC experience University experience (May '98) University experience (May '99)

The Photo Album
My SEXY friends
Graduation 1989
End of form 5,QRC
Graduation 1994
QRC Sports Day 1996
Life in QRC
Graduation 1996
After Graduation Orgy
Life at University of Miami
Christmas 1997
Caribbean Day 1998
Summer Fun '98
Tobago '98
Christmas Day 1998
Christmas lime '98
Caribbean Day 1999
Square One at U of Miami
Toco Camp '99
Tobago '99
Miami Carnival '99
Christmas '99
Barbados '00
Tobago '00
Miami Carnival '00
My BWIA photos
Graduation 2000
Christmas 2000

Sign My Guestbook or View My Guestbook

Friends' homepages:

Gobo Shivaun Salvo Anton Marisa Sean Karl

Some links that people like me might appreciate

My high school back home University of Miami Great link to Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad Guardian Newspaper
Trini club at University of Miami BWIA Nice DUTTY jokes

View the photos by Damian M. Ahow on!

Last updated January 17th, 2004.

Dreadlock Drummers

©2000 DMA, all rights reserved.
No part of this page may be reproduced in any form without the prior written approval of the webmaster.
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