mojopixie's Webpage

Welcome To Mojopixie's Magikal Mushroom...

"Sometimes we just have to laugh at our lives or else we would cry our eyes out..."


Well, welcome to my fantasy world... although i like my fantasies to come true! come sit under my mushroom and i will tell u a lil bout myself... i am a female who lovesssss to have a good time! i grew up in Jax, FL and moved to Carrollton, Ga to chill out for a while, after a 5 yr stint in the Navy. I travelled all over, but primarily i was stationed in Charleston, SC as a neuropsychiatric technician. my house is a real ZOO! i have cats, a dog; Mojo, and a 55gal Saltwater Aquarium with only the few critters that i can afford My prize possession was my 24 inch Snowflake Moray Eel; Mr. Eel. He took an unplanned trip out of the tank to escape the Carrollton water problems a while back. (and we drink this stuff?!!!) :-( I am finally back in college, now, at West Georgia...YEA! would like to MAYBE major in ... GUESS?!~ Psychology. i also have an interest in Marine Biology Wouldn't it be nice to own a small fish/scuba store in Australia, close to the Great Barrier Reef and live on a huge sailboat?
well, let me sprinkle my pixie dust as i head for bed or the books... Enjoy the page and pics... Always more pics to come :-)Always under construction:-) See ya!


I love a good sense of humour, as i like to say or do just about anything to get a laff!!! Above all else... a laff is the most musical sound in the world...

Check out my friends' webpages!!!
Check out What I am REALLY into--especially the reflections page!!! and a cool link to a great band!
Sydney Banks Institute MUDCAT


Unfortunately, in this world, there are just too many to name!!! But without the bad, how would we truly know what the good was worth?

If we train our conscience, it kisses us while it hurts us...

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