"The 'Whenever I Get Around To Updating the Page' Update Ticker"
Oh my...it's been quite a while since I changed this old web page of mine. I had to update my age...it's been 20 months since my last update!!! Well let's see, what else am I up to? Still watching a lot of sports, talking about fantasy sports, and now...exercising. I've been running at the YMCA for about a year now, and I can do 4 miles on the treadmill fairly easily at an 8:30 mile pace. I'm sort of trying to get in shape for the upcoming 5K season. I have to beat my personal record of 24:23 this year. If I could get under 23 minutes, I'd be ecstatic. UPDATE - I beat my time by 1:32 in my first 5K of 2006! My new PR is 22:51!!! Woohoo!!!
The views expressed by Mercer Boy are not necessarily the views of this web-page provider or anybody else for that matter, unless you believe them.
Well, it took a little bit of time, but the law and the government finally reared its ugly head on the quest for Ricker Names. Actually, it was probably a good thing for us. Well, you can read about it yourself.
You are patron number since October 15, 1998.
The World of Mercer Boy - Created by Mercer Boy © 10/15/98