Me Against the World

"I'm ashamed to lose, it's just me against the world baby. Hahaha, me against the world. That's right. I know it seems hard sometimes, but uh, remember one thing.....Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So matter how hard it gets, stick ya chest out, keep ya head up, and handle it."
Tupac Shakur-"Me Agianst The World"

This is Supafly!

What's up world? Well here it is.....The long awaited website from Adam Jacobson, a.k.a. Supafly. Well I hope that everyone likes this site, because it damn near killed a brother trying to get the thing up and running! Please check all the links in here, anything underlined and colored in red is probably a link, so make sure you "hit 'em up"! Remember-anything in red and underlined is a link! Much love from ya thug.....

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