Weelll……… it's now holiday time for some people, but the exam fever is on for the rest…..
All those who went to Singapore and local Universities are on vacation now….enjoying themselves VERY MUCH!! Heheheh…….
Local Universities will commence somewhere around end of May, so enjoy it while you still can, guys……and gals (don't want to be accused of being sexist, see).
For those of you who haven't heard, West M'sia has been invaded by the JE virus recently. Most people are staying away from pork now, though I heard Kuchingnites are not though….. it's been said that the virus can't possibly survive the long flight across the South China Sea!!
Last I heard, Kieth Lung, Kuat Peng, Ping Ping, Hon Lim and Paul planned to go to Damai and Buntal for dinner. Before that, they'd already had a BBQ at Kieth Lung's. They sure are enjoying themselves! J
Eric Chong's still in USA, struggling for his finals….heheeh…we wish Eric Good Luck!
Eng Whui is still in Australia, just finished her 2 weeks vacation and is also preparing for her tests….Good Luck girl…….
Noreen & Ren En are back in Kuching now, so are most of those who went to local Universities, I presume.
Jessica has moved to JB and is currently on holiday. Having explored the whole of JB town, she's got absolutely nothing to do these days, and enjoying every minute of it!! J
Pn. Eng (one of St. Thomas's Chemistry teacher) has just delivered another baby girl!!
That's all for now, folks…. Email me with your latest news!!
My email: jktf@hotmail.com